Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign

UNWANTED CHILDREN: Millions of "unwanted" children in Asia crave the gift of "love and hope" this Christmas. Texas-based missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) today launched a Christmas season campaign -- Bringing Hope to the Forgotten Ones -- aiming to save thousands of Asia's poorest children from a life of misery. For more, go to http://www.gfa.org/press/sponsor-child.

WILLS POINT, TX — Millions of “unwanted” children in Asia crave “the gift of love and hope” this Christmas, missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) said today — as the Texas-based organization launched a Christmas season campaign to help what it calls “the forgotten ones.” Asia’s ‘unwanted children’ crave ‘Hope More than Anything Else’ at… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign

Picture Time Shows Child Slavery Movie in Rural India Villages

MUMBAI – Picture Time, a unique mobile Digiplex theater startup company, begins a new venture on November 14. The company has produced a film, Jhalki, about a nine-year-old girl from rural India who sets out on a journey to find her younger brother. Seeking financial help, but being illiterate, their parents unwittingly sold her brother… Continue reading Picture Time Shows Child Slavery Movie in Rural India Villages

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery – December 2, 2019

NEW YORK – When Americans contemplate the abolition of slavery (which is not often), we immediately think of President Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. That document made slavery illegal in the United States effective January 1, 1863. Likewise, the United Nations abolished slavery worldwide on December 2, 1949, when the General Assembly adopted the… Continue reading International Day for the Abolition of Slavery – December 2, 2019

‘Beyond Despicable’ Conditions Trap 200 Million Children in Child Labor Industry, According to Gospel for Asia Report

In conjunction with World Day Against Child Labor, Christian humanitarian agency spotlights ‘horrible and tragic’ plight of children — as young as five — forced to work in horrific conditions. WILLS POINT, TX — More than 200 million children, as young as five years old, are trapped in “despicable” labor conditions, according to a soon-to-be-released… Continue reading ‘Beyond Despicable’ Conditions Trap 200 Million Children in Child Labor Industry, According to Gospel for Asia Report

900 Million Children at High Risk

LONDON – June 12 marks the annual World Day Against Child Labor. We would like to share news of advances in liberating children from this burden that robs them of their childhood, education, and the potential for a thriving future. Sadly, on a global scale, we cannot. Verisk Maplecroft issued their 2019 Child Labor Index.… Continue reading 900 Million Children at High Risk

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