Reflective Thoughts on the World Day Against Child Labor

NEW YORK, NY – Not only is June 12 the World Day Against Child Labor, but 2021 has also been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor. The United Nations Global Compact is focusing on the issue of child labor. The Compact is a voluntary… Continue reading Reflective Thoughts on the World Day Against Child Labor

Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the horrific realities girls face, child marriage, human trafficking, abuse & exploitation, and the restoration & redemption that God brings to their lives. Nearly 173 years ago, on October 16,… Continue reading Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

New Report from Gospel for Asia: ‘Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood’

Little Girl with Sad Eyes

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) have released the newest in their acclaimed series of Special Reports. The latest report is about being a girl – and the tragedy that can be. Susan Lawson opens her well-document report with a thumbnail view of the classic… Continue reading New Report from Gospel for Asia: ‘Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood’

Child Labor Rises During COVID Pandemic

BANGALORE, INDIA — According to a report by World Vision up to 8 million children have been pushed into child labor and begging due to the worldwide economic effects resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Following assessments carried out in 24 countries, the charity says at least 110 million children have gone hungry due to the… Continue reading Child Labor Rises During COVID Pandemic

CHETNA – Saving Street Children

Photo by Kristian Bertel, WIkimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

NEW DELHI – It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 street children living in each of the major metropolitan areas in India, including Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata. It is also believed by many that these estimates are low, that the number of street children in each of these three cities alone exceeds 300,000.… Continue reading CHETNA – Saving Street Children

RE: World Day Against Child Labor – Are We Making Progress?

NEW YORK – Friday, June 12, 2020, marked the 19th annual World Day Against Child Labor sponsored by the International Labor Organization with the cooperation of UNICEF. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the magnitude of the problem of child labor. Typically, the World Day Against Child Labor focuses on bringing… Continue reading RE: World Day Against Child Labor – Are We Making Progress?

Rescuing Pakistan’s Brickyard Children

PAKISTAN – In August 2019 Northern Ireland Christian couple Maurice and Maureen Wylie visited Pakistan not realizing that their lives would never be the same from that one visit! Previous to the trip, they had asked what could they take with them that would help the children and the parents of the brickyard? Expecting to… Continue reading Rescuing Pakistan’s Brickyard Children

Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign

UNWANTED CHILDREN: Millions of "unwanted" children in Asia crave the gift of "love and hope" this Christmas. Texas-based missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, today launched a Christmas season campaign -- Bringing Hope to the Forgotten Ones -- aiming to save thousands of Asia's poorest children from a life of misery. For more, go to

WILLS POINT, TX — Millions of “unwanted” children in Asia crave “the gift of love and hope” this Christmas, missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) said today — as the Texas-based organization launched a Christmas season campaign to help what it calls “the forgotten ones.” Asia’s ‘unwanted children’ crave ‘Hope More than Anything Else’ at… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery – December 2, 2019

NEW YORK – When Americans contemplate the abolition of slavery (which is not often), we immediately think of President Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. That document made slavery illegal in the United States effective January 1, 1863. Likewise, the United Nations abolished slavery worldwide on December 2, 1949, when the General Assembly adopted the… Continue reading International Day for the Abolition of Slavery – December 2, 2019

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