Francis Chan Announces Plan to Fish in Asia

AZUSA, CA – What came as a shock to those who heard his announcement made perfect sense to Francis Chan. He revealed at a chapel service at Azusa Pacific University that he and his family plan to move to Asia in February 2020. The pastor, author, and in-demand Christian leader and speaker shared how the… Continue reading Francis Chan Announces Plan to Fish in Asia

What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

David Mains and KP Yohannan standing in David's office in October, 1980.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a nonprofit founded in 1979 committed to serving “the least of these” in Asia. GFA supports national field workers who in turn bring the love of Christ to those living in rural and under-served areas. Whether it’s providing the opportunity for a brighter future for a child in Asia… Continue reading What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

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