WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide — released a new special report amid new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, reveals the… Continue reading COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia
Tag: Images of Leprosy
American Leprosy Missions – On a Mission
GREENVILLE, SC – American Leprosy Missions is the oldest and largest Christian organization in the United States dedicated to curing and caring for people affected by leprosy and related diseases around the world. Every two minutes, someone, somewhere across 127 different countries, is diagnosed with leprosy. We should understand by this stage of the COVID-19… Continue reading American Leprosy Missions – On a Mission
World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks
FEDERAL WAY, WA – On April 21, 2020, the World Food Program warned that “COVID-19 will double the number of people facing food crises unless swift action is taken.” Less than two months later, World Vision has published a report, “Out of Time: COVID-19 Aftershocks.” The World Vision report affirms the World Food Program’s prognosis,… Continue reading World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks
Coronavirus, Social Distancing Give Us Glimpse into Isolation of People with Leprosy
WILLS POINT, TX – Local, state, and federal governments have mandated the practice of social distancing in hopes of restricting the spread of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19). Businesses and churches have temporarily closed. Sporting events and concerts have been canceled. We are still getting accustomed to social distancing. It’s not our habit to stay six… Continue reading Coronavirus, Social Distancing Give Us Glimpse into Isolation of People with Leprosy
Prevention is Key to Elimination in the Fight Against Leprosy
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org, founded by KP Yohannan) issues a Special Report update on the current progress in the fight against leprosy where global leprosy-elimination leaders are making exciting advances both medically and socially. In 2018, another 208,619 new cases of leprosy were detected globally. Is any progress being made in… Continue reading Prevention is Key to Elimination in the Fight Against Leprosy
9 Reasons for Hope to Eliminate Leprosy
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) has just released an updated special report entitled “Progress in the Fight Against Leprosy.” The most important word in that title is “progress.” Progress suggests that there is hope for eliminating leprosy. And, there is. The Gospel for Asia (GFA) report, an addendum to 2019’s “Leprosy: Misunderstandings… Continue reading 9 Reasons for Hope to Eliminate Leprosy
Gospel for Asia: 10 Things You Should Know About Leprosy
WILLS POINT, TX – Indigenous Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers are accustomed to facing the effects of leprosy on the people of South Asia. Leprosy is one of the most devastating diseases in the world. It is one of the oldest diagnosed illnesses without a protocol for prevention. Four million people living in tropical regions… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: 10 Things You Should Know About Leprosy
World Leprosy Day 2020: Gospel for Asia’s Reminder of a Most Misunderstood Disease
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia is reminding the public that World Leprosy Day will be observed this year on January 26. For more than 60 years, the last Sunday of January has been set apart and designated to remind people of this terrible, disfiguring and misunderstood disease. Many Westerners still believe that leprosy… Continue reading World Leprosy Day 2020: Gospel for Asia’s Reminder of a Most Misunderstood Disease
Gospel for Asia-supported Workers Touch Leprosy Patients Longing for Love
SOUTH ASIA – World Leprosy Day was observed on 27 January to raise awareness of the truth about what may be the most misunderstood disease on the planet. Having the disease is compounded by the indignities the infected must suffer. People with leprosy who have obvious deformities are relegated to isolated colonies where they are… Continue reading Gospel for Asia-supported Workers Touch Leprosy Patients Longing for Love
10 Milestones from Gospel for Asia’s First 40 Years
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) was born 40 years ago when K.P. and Gisela Yohannan felt the call of the Lord on their lives to minister to the people of Asia in His name. Even before His specific calling was clear—and every day thereafter—their commitment has been to walk in the beauty… Continue reading 10 Milestones from Gospel for Asia’s First 40 Years
What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the misunderstandings and social stigma of leprosy that keep it alive, despite being a curable worldwide problem. Leprosy. For many, a cloud of mystery, fear and shame surrounds this disease. It’s a disease that destroys nerves and deadens limbs to sensations of touch… Continue reading What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?
Gospel for Asia Releases Special Report on Leprosy: “We call them friends”
WILLS POINT, TX The last Sunday in January is set aside to observe World Leprosy Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA) has released a Special Report examining the problem of leprosy. Across the globe, leprosy charities and partners join together to raise awareness of this disease that many people believe to be extinct, when in fact… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Releases Special Report on Leprosy: “We call them friends”
Gospel for Asia Special Report Spotlights ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized
World Leprosy Day: Gospel for Asia-supported workers’ hands-on care for sufferers brings practical help and spiritual hope to those still marginalized by long-feared disease. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised—one outstretched arm… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Special Report Spotlights ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized
Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day
GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS GIVE HELP AND HOPE TO THOSE LIVING IN ISOLATION. WILLS POINT, Texas – People affected with leprosy throughout South Asia received food, shoes, blankets and household supplies as workers supported through Gospel for Asia (GFA) commemorated World Leprosy Day, held each year to promote awareness and prevention. Gospel for Asia (GFA)… Continue reading Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day
Introduction Throughout Jesus’s life, he met and healed lepers. He had compassion for them, because they were the outcastes of society. There was and is a stigma attached to leprosy. Christians continue the work of Jesus by caring for those who have leprosy and bringing healing to them. The Disease of Leprosy Leprosy is a… Continue reading Leprosy