Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Spotlights ‘Hidden Epidemic’ of Missing Women

WOMEN FACE DANGER FROM ‘WOMB TO WIDOWHOOD’: To mark International Women’s Day in March, GFA World (http://gospelforasia.net/) is challenging people to “tenaciously pray for the world’s vulnerable women like never before” — including the more than 250,000 women and girls who’ve disappeared without a trace in the U.S.

WILLS POINT, TX — Mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is challenging people to “pray tenaciously for the world’s vulnerable women like never before” — including the more than 250,000 women and girls who’ve disappeared without a trace in the U.S. As the annual International Women’s Day takes place in March, the Federal Bureau of… Continue reading Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Spotlights ‘Hidden Epidemic’ of Missing Women

National Workers are ‘Unstoppable Compassion Force’ Says GFA World Report

UNSTOPPABLE COMPASSION FORCE: National missionaries -- those serving in their own countries and cultures -- are the "new pioneers" of the 21st century, and they're proving to be an "unstoppable compassion force," says a new report (www.gfa.org/press/workers) by global mission organization GFA World (www.gfa.org).

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, reveals in a new report: National missionaries — those working in their own countries — are the “new pioneers” of the 21st century, and they’re proving to be an “unstoppable compassion… Continue reading National Workers are ‘Unstoppable Compassion Force’ Says GFA World Report

Gospel for Asia Providing Help and Hope that Transforms Impoverished Communities

WILLS POINT, TX – The Lord has used GFA World to share Good News, to send indigenous workers to provide help to needy communities, and to grow Bible-believing churches over the past 42 years. It enjoys global recognition as a major faith-based humanitarian organization. However, its primary mission remains to represent Jesus Christ and His… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Providing Help and Hope that Transforms Impoverished Communities

COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia

COVID STAY-AT-HOME 'DOESN'T COMPARE TO LEPROSY ISOLATION:' With new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, a just-released report (http://www.gfa.org/press/leprosy-ministry) from Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) reveals the loneliness and despair of people living with another "disease of isolation" -- leprosy. The report marked World Leprosy Day late last month.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide — released a new special report amid new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, reveals the… Continue reading COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia

Millions of Widows in ‘Crisis of Survival’ Says Gospel for Asia

‘SHUNNED AND SHAMED’: Treatment of widows is often startlingly unfair and cruel, catapulting them into a crisis of survival, says a new global report by Texas-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org). Titled Widows Often Face Uphill Battle (https://www.gfa.org/special-report/widows-worldwide-face-tragedy-discrimination/), the report examines the different struggles faced by widows in the U.S., Africa, and Asia.

WILLS POINT, TX — One of the world’s biggest poverty-alleviating organizations spotlights the huge “uphill battle” facing many of the world’s 258 million widows in a recently-released report. Treatment of widows is often startlingly unfair and cruel, catapulting them into a crisis of survival, says the new global report by Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA… Continue reading Millions of Widows in ‘Crisis of Survival’ Says Gospel for Asia

Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the horrific realities girls face, child marriage, human trafficking, abuse & exploitation, and the restoration & redemption that God brings to their lives. Nearly 173 years ago, on October 16,… Continue reading Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

New Report from Gospel for Asia: ‘Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood’

Little Girl with Sad Eyes

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) have released the newest in their acclaimed series of Special Reports. The latest report is about being a girl – and the tragedy that can be. Susan Lawson opens her well-document report with a thumbnail view of the classic… Continue reading New Report from Gospel for Asia: ‘Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood’

Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

GFA World pastor Abeer gives a face mask to Milan, who had been delivering milk door to door without the required item because he could not afford it. “I am grateful to [GFA workers] for helping me to get a reusable and hand-stitched face mask,” Milan said.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing  how many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia , have sought to fill the gap between resources and needy communities who don’t have access to them as mandatory masks… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

American Leprosy Missions – On a Mission

GREENVILLE, SC – American Leprosy Missions is the oldest and largest Christian organization in the United States dedicated to curing and caring for people affected by leprosy and related diseases around the world. Every two minutes, someone, somewhere across 127 different countries, is diagnosed with leprosy. We should understand by this stage of the COVID-19… Continue reading American Leprosy Missions – On a Mission

World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks

FEDERAL WAY, WA – On April 21, 2020, the World Food Program warned that “COVID-19 will double the number of people facing food crises unless swift action is taken.” Less than two months later, World Vision has published a report, “Out of Time: COVID-19 Aftershocks.” The World Vision report affirms the World Food Program’s prognosis,… Continue reading World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks

Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

EXTENDING LIFELINE OF GOD'S LOVE: Marking 40-plus years of life-changing ministry, Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) spotlights the past year's key achievements and looks to extend its lifeline of hope in the next 40 years, expecting God to "do even greater things in the cities and villages of Asia and around the world."

WILLS POINT, TX — Marking more than four decades of life-changing ministry on July 3, leading mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World, and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) today spotlighted recent achievements — and anticipates the next 40 years will extend its lifeline of God’s love across Asia and beyond. In the shadow… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

Compassion Is More Than Just a Word

WILLS POINT, TX – Compassion is more than just a word. In fact, dictionaries identify compassion as a noun, i.e., a thing. But the complete meaning of compassion goes far beyond being a noun. By its very nature and derivation, compassion describes physical action. Compassion is the juxtaposition of two Latin words that means “to… Continue reading Compassion Is More Than Just a Word

India Republic Day Celebrated with Acts of Kindness by Gospel for Asia-Supported Sisters of Compassion

KERALA, INDIA – January 26 is celebrated annually as Republic Day in India. The holiday observes the anniversary of the date in 1950 when the Constitution of India became law. Although the actual document was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on the 26th of November, 1949, the effective date was purposely set as January 26… Continue reading India Republic Day Celebrated with Acts of Kindness by Gospel for Asia-Supported Sisters of Compassion

Woman Becomes a Christian & Her Inlaws Become Outlaws

KAMPALA, UGANDA – Last September, her world was turned upside down when her husband passed away. The 54-year-old mother of eight children was now a widow with a family to support. Searching for hope, she placed her faith in Jesus Christ when the pastor of a small church shared the Bible with her. Joy returned… Continue reading Woman Becomes a Christian & Her Inlaws Become Outlaws

Aspiration & Desperation in South Asian Slums

MUMBAI – A strange thing has been happening with the slums in South Asia. NGOs like Gospel for Asia (GFA) have been working amongst the millions of people living in extreme poverty and struggling for survival in the slums of South Asia’s major cities. Suddenly, these slums have become a remarkable tourist attraction. In fact,… Continue reading Aspiration & Desperation in South Asian Slums

Gospel for Asia: There Is So Much More Yet to Do

WILLS POINT – Dr. K.P. Yohannan and the staff of Gospel for Asia (GFA) celebrated God’s faithfulness on the 40th anniversary of its founding on July 3. After four decades of accomplishments beyond expectations in ministry or any other successful endeavor, many would accept their laurels then rest upon them, satisfied that their task is… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: There Is So Much More Yet to Do

‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA), announced today it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to hundreds of “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, Sunday, June 23. “In some Asian cultures, when a woman’s husband dies, she is often stripped of her dignity, her worth,… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia

Gospel for Asia-supported Workers Touch Leprosy Patients Longing for Love

SOUTH ASIA – World Leprosy Day was observed on 27 January to raise awareness of the truth about what may be the most misunderstood disease on the planet. Having the disease is compounded by the indignities the infected must suffer. People with leprosy who have obvious deformities are relegated to isolated colonies where they are… Continue reading Gospel for Asia-supported Workers Touch Leprosy Patients Longing for Love

Gospel for Asia Special Report Spotlights ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized

World Leprosy Day: Gospel for Asia-supported workers’ hands-on care for sufferers brings practical help and spiritual hope to those still marginalized by long-feared disease. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised—one outstretched arm… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Special Report Spotlights ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized

Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day

The first step in any advance in any realm of our human experience begins with an awakened awareness. Psychologists tell us that we can’t help someone until they realize that they need help. That is why it is difficult to help an addict who says, “I don’t have a problem.” They have yet to come… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day

Gospel for Asia Supported Sisters of Compassion Deliver Gifts and Hope, to Remote Villagers in India

The children of a remote village in northeast India now have school supplies, thanks to gifts delivered by Gospel for Asia-supported Sisters of Compassion. The supplies will help them learn in the tutoring center the sisters established this year.

Widows now have decent roofing; Children can now learn with good school supplies WILLS POINT, Texas —Gospel for Asia-supported Sisters of Compassion delivered gifts to improve the lives of children and poor widows in a remote village in northeastern India. The Sisters of Compassion are specialized women workers trained to minister to the poor. The… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Supported Sisters of Compassion Deliver Gifts and Hope, to Remote Villagers in India

Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’

GFA (Gospel for Asia) provides healthcare, vocational training and spiritual care to some of South Asia’s millions of widows, many of whom are left destitute because of cultural prejudices.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) calls attention to plight of widows worldwide who need help to face tragedy and overcome the many indignations of widowhood. WILLS POINT, Texas  —  More than seven years after the United Nations formally called attention to the plight of widows, millions of bereaved women \still find themselves subjected to abuse, humiliation, ostracism… Continue reading Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’

Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

As flood relief efforts continually take place in Kerala, India, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers serving in various locations are raising funds for their brothers and sisters in immediate need. “When I heard the flood situation of Kerala, I felt very sad and immediately visited the mission fields to make contribution for Kerala relief work,”… Continue reading Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day

WILLS POINT, Texas – The United Nations has set aside June 23rd of each year as International Widows Day “as an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows. According to the UN, “It has been estimated that there are some 258 million widows around the world, with over 115 million of… Continue reading Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day

Widows Receive Aid from Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua Village

SENAU, ARUNACHAL PRADESH – Members of the Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua reached out to help about 30 widows living in the village on International Widows Day, What the church did was quite unusual, at least for westerners, yet deeply appreciated by the recipients. The Senua BEC regularly looks after the needs of widows with… Continue reading Widows Receive Aid from Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua Village

Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day

Gospel for Asia-supported teams distributed tin sheets to help provide shelter for needy families as part of an International Widows' Day program aimed at some of the many women left in desperate need after losing their husband.

One of the widows touched by Gospel for Asia-supported teams’ help-and-hope visits speaks of her ‘beautiful house’ made possible by simple donation WILLS POINT, Texas—The message of God’s sheltering love for the destitute and disenfranchised was spelled out practically with tin sheets and umbrellas when Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported teams reached out to some of… Continue reading Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day

Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea


Introduction Throughout Jesus’s life, he met and healed lepers. He had compassion for them, because they were the outcastes of society. There was and is a stigma attached to leprosy. Christians continue the work of Jesus by caring for those who have leprosy and bringing healing to them. The Disease of Leprosy Leprosy is a… Continue reading Leprosy

Sisters of Compassion deliver gifts—and hope—to remote villagers in India

WILLS POINT, Texas —Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Sisters of Compassion recently delivered gifts to improve the lives of children and poor widows in a remote village in northeastern India. The Sisters of Compassion are specialized women workers trained to minister to the poor. The items they supplied included school supplies for the children and tin… Continue reading Sisters of Compassion deliver gifts—and hope—to remote villagers in India

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