“The apostolic decision to leave the Gentiles culturally free paved the way for the local churches to develop customs and standards relevant to their own cultures. Details concerning the correct mode of baptism, the order of service, the style of music, the type of building (or lack thereof) were not spelled out by Jesus or…

“Christ’s ministry of reconciliation has now been given to us, as 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 tells us. God has entrusted us with this work, so that we are ambassadors as Christ was, seeking the lost, restoring men and women to God.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~  

“Jesus apprenticed His disciples as missionaries, rather than providing them with formal training in a classroom setting. As He eventually sent them out to proclaim the Gospel by themselves, we see that they learned from their own successes and failures. They learned to extend the kingdom of God through miracles and anointed proclamation (Mark 9:…

“Few of the unreached people groups in our modern world are reachable by cross-cultural missionaries from the West. Even though reaching them requires some cross-cultural work, this is best done by those from nearby cultures.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World”

“We must understand that when it comes to nations in which Western missionaries are no longer able to do church planting as past eras allowed, the priority must then be to support efforts of indigenous mission works through financial aid and intercessory prayer.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

“Given the reality of the mission field today, it would be foolish for us to require all missionaries to leave their home cultures. The best current examples are in China, India and the former Soviet Union. There, millions still have not received the Gospel in villages that are within the cultural reach of existing congregations….

If all of your concern is about your own life, your job, your clothes, your children’s good clothes, healthy bodies, a good education, a good job and marriage, then your concerns are no different from someone who is lost in Bhutan, Myanmar, or India. ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions ~  

“For the mission that has its eyes fixed on spreading the Gospel and planting churches, there are many ways to continue impacting the Two-Thirds World. But for the mission that still has its focus on keeping Western personnel assigned overseas, there is little future.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World  

“The situation in world missions is depressing only when you think of it in terms of 19th-century Western colonialism. But, praise God, the indigenous missionary movement is growing, ready today to complete the task.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions

“There is nothing wrong with charitable acts – but they are not to be confused with preaching the Gospel. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can save a soul from a life of sin and eternity in hell!” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~

“Today, as each second of the clock ticks by, thousands of people in the Two-Thirds World die and go to hell. They slip into eternity before anyone can reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What does it really take, then, to improve our use of time and reach our generation with the Gospel…

“If we close our hearts to the lost of the world who are dying and going to hell, we invite the judgment of God and a more certain ruin of our affluence. But if we open our hearts and share, it will be the beginning of new blessing and renewal.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In…

“You may never be called personally to reach the hidden peoples of Asia; but through soldier-like suffering at home, you can make it possible for millions to hear overseas.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

“This true definition of a missionary is free from racial, sectarian and vocational overtones. It allows us to help available indigenous missionaries accomplish the task in an effective, efficient manner. Let us look instead for any ‘sent one’ who is going into all the world to reach those who have not heard the Gospel. We…

“God has not given us this superabundance of blessings so we can sit back and enjoy the luxuries of this society. He has left us on this earth to be stewards of these spiritual and material blessings, learning how to share with others and administer our wealth to accomplish the purposes of God.” ~ K.P….

“God is calling Christians in the West to recognize that He is building His Church as a caring, sharing and saving outreach to dying souls. The West must share with the East, knowing that Jesus said, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it…

“It’s time to stop thinking about us. It’s time to shed the fads, buzzwords, trends and failed practices. It’s time to lay down our ambitions and give ourselves to being effective in reaching the lost world.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~

Having the love of God in our hearts is the only way we can make a dramatic difference in our world for His kingdom. When His love flows through us, we will reach out to the unreached with the Gospel. ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~  

“The witness of simple believers relying on the power of God is at the heart of all successful missionary work. As you witness these miracles and hear stories from indigenous missionaries around the world, you cannot help but be struck by how similar their accounts are to the stories in the Gospels and the book…

“Is social reform, compassionate concern or evangelism to be the driving purpose of missions? Tens of millions of Christians in the United States and Europe cannot reply correctly to this question. Fundraising promotions have merged the three into one, and the average Christian can no longer separate the Gospel of Christ from the various social…

“We can make it possible for millions of brown and yellow feet to move out with the liberating Gospel of Jesus. Thousands of national missionaries will go to the lost if Christians in the West will help.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~

“Satan has presented us with an alluring array of substitutes for the Great Commission. We need to wait humbly upon God for discernment about the validity of the mission causes that get His tithes and offerings.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions

“The cutting edge of biblical, New Testament missions is proclamation, conversion and disciple making that leads to the establishment of local churches. Any time this basic task is confused with political or social action, missions lose their integrity and power.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~

“The missionary life and ministry of Hudson Taylor were marked by four imprssive achievements: 1. he did the work of a missionary as defined by the Lord Jesus; 2. he proclaimed the New Testament missionary message; 3. he paved the way for authentic, indigenous churches; 4. he developed and possessed an inner life that reflected…

“By rediscovering the correct emphasis on New Testament priorities rather than becoming preoccupied with institutions and social services, the church [in China] has actually grown faster and stronger than it did under foreign missionary control.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come Let’s Reach the World ~