GFA World Joins in Fight Against ‘Stinkiest’ Global Health Crisis

SOLVING A DEADLY STINKY PROBLEM: Texas-based humanitarian organization GFA World ( is helping combat the world's "stinkiest" health emergency -- people defecating in the open. The agency just released a new report, Taking the Toilet Challenge.

WILLS POINT, TX — A global humanitarian organization is helping combat the world’s “stinkiest” health emergency — people defecating in the open — a new report reveals. Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is installing thousands of toilets in some of the world’s remotest and least developed areas — places where people typically relieve themselves in the… Continue reading GFA World Joins in Fight Against ‘Stinkiest’ Global Health Crisis

World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions

WILLS POINT, TX – The United Nations has designated November 19 as the annual observation of World Toilet Day. The point of the day is to draw attention to the global sanitation crisis. Sanitation crisis? How bad is it? Some 4.2 billion people – over half of the world’s population – do not have access… Continue reading World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions

When You Have No Place to Go | November 19: World Toilet Day

NEW YORK – On my first trip to a big city (several decades ago), I saw a sign in the front window of a home. The sign had two lines of large print. The first line said, “Rooms.” The second said, “to let.” In the naivety of my youth, I thought someone had either forgotten… Continue reading When You Have No Place to Go | November 19: World Toilet Day

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