WILLS POINT, TX — A global humanitarian organization is helping combat the world’s “stinkiest” health emergency — people defecating in the open — a new report reveals. Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is installing thousands of toilets in some of the world’s remotest and least developed areas — places where people typically relieve themselves in the… Continue reading GFA World Joins in Fight Against ‘Stinkiest’ Global Health Crisis
Tag: Toilet in India
World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions
WILLS POINT, TX – The United Nations has designated November 19 as the annual observation of World Toilet Day. The point of the day is to draw attention to the global sanitation crisis. Sanitation crisis? How bad is it? Some 4.2 billion people – over half of the world’s population – do not have access… Continue reading World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions
Polio Is Still a Threat in South Asia
GENEVA – Despite the overwhelmingly good news from the World Health Organization (WHO) that two of the three wild polio virus strains have been eradicated, healthcare workers have been unable to eliminate the disease in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Recent outbreaks of polio in the Philippines is also under investigation. However, the continuing presence of the… Continue reading Polio Is Still a Threat in South Asia
When You Have No Place to Go | November 19: World Toilet Day
NEW YORK – On my first trip to a big city (several decades ago), I saw a sign in the front window of a home. The sign had two lines of large print. The first line said, “Rooms.” The second said, “to let.” In the naivety of my youth, I thought someone had either forgotten… Continue reading When You Have No Place to Go | November 19: World Toilet Day
Moving the Goal Beyond ODF
toiletNEW DELHI – The widespread practice of open defecation in the developing countries in Asia and Africa has long been a focus of Missions Box News, numerous FBOs, NGOs, and the United Nations. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030 include bringing the entire world to that status of being Open Defecation Free (ODF).… Continue reading Moving the Goal Beyond ODF
The Most Unusual Church in the World
KIBERA, KENYA – With a fluctuating population of nearly a million people, Kibera is the largest slum in Kenya and one of the largest in the world. It is home to one of the most unusual churches in the world. The Unhealthy Conditions in Kibera Most families in Kibera live in rented 12’ x 12’… Continue reading The Most Unusual Church in the World
Kumbh Mela Cafe Features Tea Potties
KUMBH MELA – The Swacch Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Mission was launched on October 2nd, 2014 as a major government initiative with the goal of making India ‘clean’ by the same date in 2019. When Prime Minister Modi initiated the campaign, he declared that, “A clean India would be the best tribute India could… Continue reading Kumbh Mela Cafe Features Tea Potties
Spotlight on Chosen Children Ministries
MANAGUA – Chosen Children Ministries is a faith-based, non-profit organization focused on reaching families and communities in Nicaragua. Its methodology is unique in that the organization has field staff in two locations within the country through which it utilizes teams of volunteers from evangelical churches, schools, universities, and businesses to expand its outreach. Because Nicaragua… Continue reading Spotlight on Chosen Children Ministries
Gospel for Asia: Can Smart Toilet Technology Reduce Open Defecation in Kenya?
NAIROBI – A joint report released last year by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United National Children’s Fund (UNICEF) indicated that the sub-Saharan nation of Kenya is one of the countries facing an urgent need to overcome the problem of open defecation. Nearly 30% of the people in Kenya defecate in the open,… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Can Smart Toilet Technology Reduce Open Defecation in Kenya?
The Church’s Role in Providing Sanitation Explained by Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TEXAS – World Toilet Day was November 19, and the chances that you celebrated the day are probably quite slim. Neither is it likely that you even discussed the matter at the dinner table that day or three days later on Thanksgiving—even though having functioning toilets is something that the Western world should… Continue reading The Church’s Role in Providing Sanitation Explained by Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day
The first step in any advance in any realm of our human experience begins with an awakened awareness. Psychologists tell us that we can’t help someone until they realize that they need help. That is why it is difficult to help an addict who says, “I don’t have a problem.” They have yet to come… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day
Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day
Global focus brings attention to Gospel for Asia’s efforts to improve health and well-being by helping provide simple essentials, sanitation facilitiesWILLS POINT, Texas — Ribbon-cutting ceremonies typically mark the opening of a grand new building, but in Asia they can even celebrate a more modest, but life-changing construction—of a simple outhouse. The enthusiastically attended formal… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day
Counting Toilets: Confusing Tasks with Completed Goals, by Gospel for Asia
NEW DELHI – The Swachh Bharat Mission has been receiving kudos from media outlets for being “The world’s biggest toilet-building spree” in the UN-affiliated global effort to eliminate open defecation. There is little debate over the progress that has been made in India. More than 80 million household toilets have been constructed since 2014 as… Continue reading Counting Toilets: Confusing Tasks with Completed Goals, by Gospel for Asia
More Than Half of Women in India and Pakistan Are Anemic
JAIPUR – According to a report by IndiaSpend, “Anemia . . . impacts half of Indian women of reproductive age, increases the risk of maternal mortality, infection, preterm delivery, poor fetal and infant health, and puts children at lifelong risk of issues involving cognitive development and physical growth.” The report summarized the results of a… Continue reading More Than Half of Women in India and Pakistan Are Anemic
On Front Lines of Women’s Empowerment and Providing Clean Water, Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 39th Anniversary by Releasing 2017 Highlights
In 2017, Gospel for Asia (GFA) and its worldwide affiliates working in 18 Asian nations addressed women’s issues by empowering more than 350,000 women through various ministry efforts and installed 4,673 clean-water wells. Wills Point, Texas, Discussing Women’s Issues in Asia — This month, 39 years ago, Dr. KP Yohannan founded the organization Gospel for… Continue reading On Front Lines of Women’s Empowerment and Providing Clean Water, Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 39th Anniversary by Releasing 2017 Highlights
Obstacles to Achieving ‘Open Defecation Free’ in South Asia
MUMBAI – India Spend recently inteview Naina Lal Kidwai. Kidwai was the former head of HSBC in India, the first woman in India to become the head of a foreign bank in the country. She is the current vice-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Water. She was instrumental in founding the… Continue reading Obstacles to Achieving ‘Open Defecation Free’ in South Asia
Gospel for Asia’s Special Report Spotlights Major Health Crisis That Also Opens Door to Demonstrate the Love of Christ
GFA (Gospel for Asia) highlights need for more toilets to cut avoidable death toll, in first of challenging series looking at major social issues. WILLS POINT, Texas—Missionary organization Gospel for Asia (GFA) is calling attention to a usually ignored, delicate subject at the heart of much of its caring work—a lack of toilets. In the… Continue reading Gospel for Asia’s Special Report Spotlights Major Health Crisis That Also Opens Door to Demonstrate the Love of Christ
India Moves Toward Sustainable ODF
NEW DELHI – Indian Prime Minister Modi launched the Swachh Bharat Mission in 2014 to overcome “the poor sanitation and related health concerns [that] have remained a major problem in India since the country’s independence 70 years ago.” and move India toward sustainable ODF. One of the essential and fundamental elements of the Swachh Bharat… Continue reading India Moves Toward Sustainable ODF
The Campaign for Clean Water Continues in India
NEW DELHI – The Press Information Bureau of the Government of India issued separate press releases today concerning the status of the nation’s water supply and its continuing efforts and progress in its campaign for clean water, to provide and maintain clean water nationwide in India. In a nation the size of India, achieving the… Continue reading The Campaign for Clean Water Continues in India
Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1
The Scandal of Entrenched Paradigms Open defecation describes the practice of people eliminate their fecal waste in on the ground or in water or at any other place than a toilet or latrine facility designed for that purpose. No one has an accurate count of people who practice open defecation, but most authoritative sources agree… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1
Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea
Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea
Kenya Clearing the Way to a Cleaner Country
NAIROBI – Officials in Kenya are serious about cleaning up the country to make it a healthier place. This is especially true in the case of their campaign to become an Open Defecation Free (ODF)region. There are many ways to approach providing more sanitary conditions, but Kenya may be taking a couple of approaches that… Continue reading Kenya Clearing the Way to a Cleaner Country
20,000 Sanitation Ambassadors to Attend Champaran Satyagraha Celebration
MOTIHARI – Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be the featured speaker at the celebration of the close of the centennial celebration of Champaran Satyagraha on April 10 in Motihari. 20,000 Sanitation Ambassadors (Swachhagrahis) are expected to attend. Half of the ambassadors will be from Bihar. The other 10,000 will come as representatives of other states.… Continue reading 20,000 Sanitation Ambassadors to Attend Champaran Satyagraha Celebration
Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the Open Defecation Sanitation Crisis Written By Karen Burton Mains For much of my adult life, it has been my privilege to hang out with the “renegades” of Christian missions, that relief-and-development crowd that rushes to help during natural disasters, struggles to alleviate the suffering and abasement… Continue reading Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation
Special Report Spotlights Health Crisis Solution That Demonstrates God’s Love
Gospel for Asia (GFA) highlights need for more toilets to cut avoidable death toll, in the first of challenging series looking at major social issues affecting people in Asia. WILLS POINT, Texas—Missionary organization GFA (Gospel for Asia) is calling attention to a usually ignored, delicate subject at the heart of much of its caring work—a… Continue reading Special Report Spotlights Health Crisis Solution That Demonstrates God’s Love
Why We Need Matt Damon’s Clean Water Super Bowl Commercial
On Super Bowl Sunday, in a commercial by an alcohol beverage company, Matt Damon promised that if people purchased a chalice, $3 of the $13 purchase would go to benefit communities in need with clean water for five years. Stella Artois is doing this in partnership with Water.org. NPR released an article on February 2… Continue reading Why We Need Matt Damon’s Clean Water Super Bowl Commercial
Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia
Texas-based nonprofit GFA (Gospel for Asia) constructs more than 10,000 toilets and sanitation facilities throughout Asia. Open defecation, though rarely addressed, is still a pressing issue for those living below the poverty line in Asia. According to the World Health Organization, over 650 million people in India alone do not have access to a toilet.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia
Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
For more than 11 years, Gospel for Asia has published a Christmas Gift Catalog filled with opportunities for people in the West to be involved in helping transform the lives of families in Asia who live in poverty. Since that time, more than 1 million families have been helped and many reports about how Gospel… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
GFA Supports Wills Point, TX at Community Event and Brings Awareness to Missions
Mon Nov. 13, 2017 – Gospel for Asia Thrilled to be part of Boo on the Bricks in Wills Point, Texas, Gospel for Asia makes a good impression on the community it knows and loves. Creating a reason to enjoy the season together, community members in Wills Point, Texas gathered on Saturday, October 28th for… Continue reading GFA Supports Wills Point, TX at Community Event and Brings Awareness to Missions
105-year-old women benefits community
Kunwar Bai Yadav is 105-year-old women. She wanted to give a gift that would benefit her community after learning about the benefits of having a toilet at a local school. The BBC explains, “‘The district collector was visiting the local school to give a speech. I also went along and there he talked about building… Continue reading 105-year-old women benefits community
Cholera Outbreak Plagues Malawi in Midst of Food Shortage
With an estimated 3 million people facing starvation in Malawi following floods and droughts, the world’s poorest nation now faces an additional challenge — cholera. Not since 2006, when an estimated 1,000 people died, has Malawi faced this level of cholera threat. “People living along the lakeshore areas seem to have forgotten the dangers of the… Continue reading Cholera Outbreak Plagues Malawi in Midst of Food Shortage