News Hub for Christian Nonprofits on Mission Work

Connecting the church in the West to news of what God is doing through nonprofits around the world.

Missions Box is a labor of love, using the secular news as a tool to showcase the relevance of Christian nonprofit work and its impact around the world.

Christian Nonprofits are Still Relevant

Increasingly, the Church in the West is being told that it’s irrelevant, that Christians are hypocrites and that nonprofits cannot be trusted. Missions Box does not exist to argue with those statements, but rather to highlight the good works of nonprofits from around the world.

Jesus commanded His followers to love God and to love others. James, Jesus’ half-brother, then told Christ-followers that part of pure religion is to visit the orphans and widows. Christians are doing work that Jesus commanded.

Good News is Still News

Another perspective on Missions Box purpose is that so much of the news around the world pertains to the hardships of living in this world and negativity that imposes in our lives. Life on this planet can be hard, but there are organizations striving to help bring relief. We want to highlight those organizations through the news too. It’s good news and it’s about the Good News.

Missions Box Started as a Daily Quote Machine

Not too long ago, the only thing you could find on Missions Box were quotes from missionaries from the past and present alike. Although quotes are still part of the site, we realized that wasn’t enough. You’ll be able to read the news, scan press releases, review missionary bios, and get information about relevant topics in our essays area.

Help spread the word about the good God is doing in the news!

This site is updated and run by GFA World based in Wills Point, Texas.

Gospel for Asia ministry scattered around the world
Families and communities impacted by the ministry of Gospel for Asia, the words of KP Yohannan and sacrifice of Christians around the world are tangible and real.

What Does GFA World Do?

Founded in 1979, GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia, or GFA) is a nonprofit, Christian organization that seeks to transform communities through the love of God in Asia.  The ministry started with a Tuesday night prayer meeting for the lost world more than 40 years ago in the living room of KP Yohannan and prayer is still the foundation of our ministry today.

GFA Trains National Missionaries

GFA World trains national missionaries to minister to others from their own cultures. These workers have fewer cultural obstacles than Western missionaries. Many of the countries GFA serves in are closed to Western missionaries and the missionaries supported by GFA World are ready to suffer for their faith.

GFA Child Sponsorship and Compassion Ministry

GFA World has been serving some of the poorest of the poor for more than 40 years. Our partners in Asia reach out to leprosy patients and those living in slums with the love of Christ. GFA helps rebuild the lives of those affected by natural disaster by providing physical and spiritual aid.

In addition, GFA-supported missionaries provide an education through GFA’s Child Sponsorship program.

Understandings and Investigation into Gospel for Asia Shows the Great Impact

The impact of GFA on the world is historic and far-reaching. When KP Yohannan first started Gospel for Asia, even he did not envision the breadth and scope of the nonprofit. He was simply trying to find a way to help missionaries in Asia. In this effort, KP authored a book titled, Revolution in World Missions which has more than 2 million copies in print.

With so many people reading this book and with its unique perspective on missions, the impact on Christians around the world is hard to measure. The diaspora of ministry, sourced from GFA staff, former staff, discipleship students and readers of KP’s books is overwhelming. The term, GFA diaspora has been coined for those who have been impacted by KP Yohannan’s writings or the work of GFA in such a way that individuals have gone on to begin their own ministry in places where God has called them.

The Lord has scattered GFA staff and students around the world to serve in unique ways. There is staff that has gone on to serve in their local churches within the United States or serves in various parts of Asia and even in the Middle East. Thousands of individuals and hundreds of congregations have been impacted by KP’s writings as well, spurring them on to start ministries to refugees, homeless and orphans, to name a few.

Many believers from Asia, in nations where GFA serves, have moved into other countries in Asia, and even Rwanda in Africa, and have begun their own ministry, continuing the growth of a diaspora among the nations.

For more information about GFA World, go to:

Learn more about GFA and opportunities to serve with Gospel for Asia on our LinkedIn page or you can follow Gospel for Asia on Twitter. You can also get updates from Gospel for Asia on Facebook or get updates from MissionsBox on our Facebook page.

You can also discover more about KP Yohannan, GFA’s founder, on his website.


  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to thank you for your publications regarding the Russian Orthodox Church and its tight connections with the Russian totalitarian authorities headed by Vladimir Putin.

    Indeed, we are witnessing an unprecedented historical phenomenon happening in Russia, where totalitarian communist ideology has been fully replaced by nationalistic religious ideology as a powerful tool for the manipulation of Russian population and people abroad.

    It seems that the phenomenon of mutual infusion of the Russian state and Orthodox Church has now gone so far, that it is unlikely possible to even analytically separate them and determine “who serves whom”.

    The aggressive objectives of the “Russian spiritual mission”, “Russian world”, “Moscow as the third Rome”, and so forth appear as ‘sacred’ fruits of the emerged Russian state-orthodox establishment under rather grotesque name of “Holy Russia”. Yet, the word “holy” in this context cynically means “better than anything else” and designed to justify any internal and external aggressions of this monster as “spiritual and holy”.

    This suggests that, analysing the great importance of politico-economic factors of modern Russia’s development and behaviour, we should not miss here the determining cruciality of its orthodox-nationalistic aspirations.

    From this perspective, hopefully, the last part of my interview on might serve for a better understanding of the above submission.

    Faithfully yours,

    Bishop Vincent Berg.

  2. Greetings from Pakistan in the most precious and wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is an honor for me to visit your website and really encouraged and blessed to learn about you. Do you have any office or representative in Pakistan?
    We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Remain blessings

  3. Hello,

    My kids and I had to move out of our home because their dad was unsafe to be around. He is a veteran with 100% service connected disability. Our three kids are sick and I’ve had to cut down hours at work. I never would have anticipated having $50 in the bank account at this point and before Christmas. Do you know of any resources or places to get last minute gifts? We would normally be the ones to help people out but that’s not how it is this year. Any suggestions you can offer would be so helpful. We are in Mecklenburg County, NC. I can provide proof of the sickness and all events that have taken place.

    Thank you so much,


  4. Dear beloved most fine family in Jesus Christ,
    Please prayer Israel country war safe and safety for prayer sir please.

    Ps, iam Christian family in India.

    Ps, please prayer Jerusalem Church and Christian community safe and safety for prayer sir please
    With love from

  5. Amazing work right here
    How can I contact you in case of a potential missionary who would like to be sent in for missionary work?

  6. YWAM Raleigh, a dynamic non-profit organization, has emerged as a beacon of hope and transformation within the local community and beyond. This research paper delves into the multifaceted initiatives and remarkable achievements of this renowned institution, offering a comprehensive analysis of its impact on the lives of individuals, the surrounding region, and the broader global landscape.

    At the heart of YWAM Raleigh’s mission lies a deep commitment to empowering individuals and fostering lasting change.

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