WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) — The feeling that we are faking it is a feeling that many Christians face. We may go to church, serve in ministry, and lead Bible study, but we still sometimes feel as if we don’t belong. We may wonder why we are so ineffective in doing the work of the Lord to be a witness for Christ, even if we seem to be doing everything right.
Dr. KP Yohannan, Founder of Gospel for Asia (GFA), has been serving in ministry for five decades. After seeing countless brothers and sisters struggle their walk , Yohannan has observed the following:
“We who form the Church—that’s you and me—are not real with God, in our walk with Him and in our obedience to His Word. Unless our hearts change and we become genuine, transparent, open and humble in our faith (and through that, humble in all areas of our lives), we will never make an impact on this world!”
According to Yohannan, there cannot be spiritual formation or transformation if believers are hiding who they really are from themselves and from God.

Being Real
There is a lack of authenticity in our culture today. From models on glossy magazines to our friends’ perfect lives on social media, we are constantly pressured to present a cheerful and perfect side of ourselves. Often, our friends and family don’t know the struggles we are going through – and we never tell them. But this is not the abundant life God intended for his children to have.
In order to have power to live the Christian life, we must be real with who we are. We must be authentic both to ourselves and to God. When we are real with God, we give God the opportunity to cleanse our hearts and minds from within. When David was caught in sin, he repented before God and asked God to “search me…and know my heart” (Psalm 139:23). Dr. KP Yohannan candidly points out what we have a tendency to do when we sin:
“Our problem is not that we don’t have enough Bible information, speakers or opportunities. Our problem is that we don’t want to face the truth of who we really are.”
The Hope
It can be tough coming to grips with who we truly are. But there is good news! And that good news is this:“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). So no matter who we are or what we’ve done, God has already reconciled us to him. We don’t need to be scared of who we are anymore. Our identity is no longer found in who we are, but who Christ as made us to be. Not only can we stop hiding from who we are, we can confidently witness and share to those around us. Dr. Yohannan encourages us,
“Truly being real with God will make us the most powerful witness for Jesus, even if we don’t say a word.”
Read Dr. KP Yohannan’s full thoughts on being a “real” christian.