105-year-old women benefits community


Kunwar Bai Yadav is 105-year-old women. She wanted to give a gift that would benefit her community after learning about the benefits of having a toilet at a local school.

The BBC explains, “‘The district collector was visiting the local school to give a speech. I also went along and there he talked about building toilets. Until then, I had no idea about toilets and never thought about it,’” she told me. “‘But what he said, got me thinking. It sounded like a good idea.’”

Kunwar Bai Yadav had no way to build a toilet though, so she sold some of her goats.

India Times reports “Kunwar Bai had sold-off her 8-10 goats to build two toilets at her home. Subsequently, she started showing other villagers the toilets at her home while informing them about its importance.”

The villagers were inspired by the outhouses and Prime Minister Modi visited Kunwar Bai.

According to IndiaTV, “The Prime Minister, who was in Chhattisgarh to launch the ambitious Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban (rural-urban) Mission, felicitated Kunwar Bai from Kotabharri village of Dhamtari and then touched her feet to seek blessings.”

Gospel for Asia (GFA) is also building toilets around Asia in order to provide a sanitary toilet. They hope that through this, they would have an opportunity to share Christ’s hope.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) explains, “Through this gift, the health of Lalan’s family and their neighbors is improving, and they are much less likely to contract life-threatening illnesses. Most importantly, people who didn’t know Christ are learning about Him as they talk to a family that’s excited to proclaim His goodness.”
Please pray for those who receive toilets through Gospel for Asia (GFA), that as they get good health, they would want to hear about the hope found in Jesus.

BBC: How a 105-year-old ended open defecation in her village

India TV: 105-yr-old, who sold off her goats to build toilet, made Swachh Bharat Abhiyan mascot

India Times: 105-Year-Old Woman Who Sold Her Goats Off To Build Toilet Appointed Mascot Of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’

Gospel for Asia: Welcome to Their Toilet

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