24:14 – A Testimony to All Nations

24:14 is a faith-based organization that affirms the unique calling of every organization that is working to reach the world with the good news of Jesus.

HOUSTON – 24:14 is a faith-based organization that affirms the unique gifting and calling of every organization that is working to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. The group does this by providing information, resources, and coordination to help facilitate that common goal.

Put another way, 24:14 urgently promotes collaboration between church-planting movements to reach all ethnic groups by 2025.

The group’s name is a reference to Matthew 24:14,

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Think of 24:14 as a catalyst for carrying the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and to do it with a sense of urgency,

One esteemed 20th-century preacher reminded those under his teaching that anyone of us and God can accomplish anything. While that truth rings clear, the Lord did not send a single individual out to reach the entire global population. He groomed a group of 12 and more than 100 others to begin the task. 24:14 is reasserting the urgency of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth while implementing greater cooperation and stressing best practices among Christian church-planting groups to get the job done more efficiently.

The initial goal of 24:14 set a 2025 deadline for accomplishing the task. However, it is setting a goal because the amount of work accomplished usually expands to fill the time allotted. What is more, it is not possible to ascertain how well we are completing an objective unless we can measure where we are, where the goal is set, what remains to be done, and the amount of time we have to reach the goal. 24:14 explains that “by December 31, 2025, … a team … equipped in movement strategy will be on location in every unreached people and place. There is no implication related to a date that the task will be finished. That is God’s responsibility. God determines when movements take off.”

Neither does 24:14 expect every church-planting ministry to become a part of its coalition. The group prefers that these FBOs continue to use their unique callings, methods, and specialized ministries. Its goal is to catalyze those ministries through the resources of prayer, literature, and training.

The prayer ministry is comprised of:

  • The Canopy of Prayer in which 24:14 hopes to cover every hour of every day with prayer for the movements to reach the unreached.
  • The Weekly Online Prayer, where prayer warriors join one of two regularly-scheduled prayer meetings on the Zoom network.
  • Inherit the Nations by which prayer teams are connected with field teams for more effective prayer coverage.

The literature ministry provides one-stop access to already-published training materials from sources like Big Life and e3 Partners.

The training aspect addresses the need for every disciple to have a disciple-maker, every home to be a training center, and every church to be a missions hub. Training and coaching are available at locations in the Caribbean; Central, North, East, West, South, and Southeast Asia; Europe; India; North and Sub-Saharan Africa; North America; Ibero-America; and Oceania.

The unreached are waiting. Go, ye, therefore.

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Source: 24:14, Official Website

Image Source: Gospel for Asia, Photo of the Day

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