Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – The Jerusalem Prayer Team

Ps.122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” This prayer exemplifies the heart of the work of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.

JERUSALEM – Psalm 122:6 is a prayer request with a promise. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (KJV) This prayer exemplifies the heart of the work of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.

Southern aerial view of the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Photo by Andrew Shiva, Wikimedia, (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Founder, Dr. Mike Evans, has an incomparable love and devotion for the land of Israel and the Jewish people. The 72-year-old journalist and best-selling author has dedicated his life to informing and enlisting Christians around the world to pray and care for God’s chosen people.

JPT’s goal for over three decades has been to build a team of 100 million people who pray regularly for the peace of Jerusalem and to help fund the humanitarian needs of the Jewish people in Israel – particularly those who were victims of the Holocaust during World War II.

Two of the major thrusts of the Jerusalem Prayer Team have been the creation and development of the Ten Boom Museum and the Friends of Zion Museum.

The Ten Boom Museum

The virtual museum honors the Dutch Ten Boom family, who began praying for the peace of Jerusalem in 1844. The family continued that practice for an entire century. During World War II, the family “lived out their Christian faith by making their home a refuge – a hiding place – for Jews and members of the Dutch underground.”

Having eventually been discovered protecting Jews, Corrie ten Boom miraculously survived the horrors of prison and the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

Out of that experience, Corrie realized that the Lord had been preparing her for a unique ministry telling people the story of “The Hiding Place” and teaching them that “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” She continued in the ministry she began at age 53 for three decades.

The purpose of the museum is to “encourage Americans to pray for and encourage Jews around the world, but more specifically in Israel. Like the ten Boom family, it’s main goal is to encourage others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

The Friends of Zion Museum

Unlike the Ten Boom Museum, the FOZ Museum is a brick-and-mortar building located in the heart of Jerusalem. Surrounded by the land where Jesus walked, the Friends of Zion Museum has been described as “a technically advanced and interactive experience that tells the stories of both the dream to restore the Jewish people to their historic homeland and of the brave non-Jews who assisted them in the realization of this dream.”

The unique ministry of the museum is to reach the Jewish people by telling them stories of faithful Christians who have loved them and contributed in many different ways to help bring about the current nation of Israel.

Displays begin with a presentation about the Land of Promise. From there, visitors are taken on an interactive journey that includes meeting “the Founders, the Dreamers, the Visionaries, the Lights in the Darkness, and finally, the Brave, bringing us towards the Declaration of the state of Israel.” The tour concludes with “a total involvement” 3D presentation in the Promise Theater.

An interactive virtual tour of the FOZ Museum is available at this link to its website.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Read more news on Jerusalem and Prayer on Missions Box.


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