Ben Kinchlow is Home — 1936 – 2019

Ben Kinchlow’s warm, smiling face graced our living room for nearly two decades as the host of The 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Today, Ben is looking at the warm, smiling face of Jesus as He has welcomed Ben with the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

VIRGINIA BEACH – Ben Kinchlow’s warm, smiling face graced our living room for nearly two decades as the host of The 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Today, Ben Kinchlow is looking at the warm, smiling face of Jesus as He has welcomed Ben with the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

The native of Uvalde, Texas, passed from this life early on the morning of July 18.

Kinchlow’s life was a wreck before he came to know Christ as his personal Savior. By his own admission, he had been a rabble-rouser, a drunk, and a womanizer. All of that changed once the Holy Spirit was free to transform him into Christ’s likeness.

“I’ve had people come up to me and say that can’t be that same person,” he says, talking about his past. “That’s because that is what Jesus Christ does. When I tell them that Jesus Christ can change your life, it isn’t a sermon, it isn’t a script. I know that it’s true.”

In the early 1970s, Ben was invited to share his Christian testimony and the story of the teen ministry he had founded, “His Place,” on Pat Robertson’s The 700 Club. Later, he was invited back to host the show while Robertson was traveling.

In 1975, he went to work for CBN as Director of Counseling. He later became the co-host of The 700 Club and several other shows and specials.

In 1978, Robertson placed him in charge of CBN’s humanitarian relief arm, Operation Blessing.

In 1982, he assumed the responsibilities of Vice President for Domestic Ministries with CBN. Three years later he was named Executive Vice President of CBN.

In addition, he founded Americans for Israel, was the co-host of Front Page Jerusalem, and became a commentator for WorldNetDaily.

He lived out his passion for Christ in all that he set his mind to do.

CBN News recalls, “He said that we often take what we have for granted because we don’t know what it’s like to live in the rest of the world. Our poverty-stricken areas would be considered upper-middle-class for two-thirds of the world. Ben said we need to pray for others and have an attitude of gratefulness ourselves.”

Kinchlow warned, as Missions Box News often does,

“I’m not sure that people are aware of the privilege of living in America. We are able to live here with biblical principles. If we forget that, we are in danger of losing our freedom here in America.”

We will miss you, Ben, but we will see you again.

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