ChosenIMA Ships Refurbished Medical Equipment to Christian Healthcare Worldwide

The world has changed a lot over the past 50 years. So much so that Dr. Dyer’s son, C.H. Dyer, led an organizational change in 1993 that included “a fresh passion and vision to minister to the world’s poorest people.” It was then that Missionary Enterprises was renamed Bright Hope International.

ERIE, PA – How did the Lord lead one man in Erie, Pennsylvania, to establish a Christian faith-based organization as unique as ChosenIMA that ships medical equipment to Christian healthcare facilities in 100 nations? First, He chose a man to stand in a gap that others may never have noticed. Then, He sent him on a short-term mission trip to Korea.

The man was Richard Love. He was an ordinary guy who worked at a manufacturing company in Erie, Pennsylvania. Like the others on his visiting team, he viewed in disbelief the desperate conditions under which many medical missionaries functioned. Unlike the others on his team, the manufacturing company Richard worked for was AMSCO, a leader in the production of operating-room and sterilization equipment.

Richard knew what generally happened with used equipment that had been broken or traded in for something newer. And he knew where to find that equipment. That which was considered useless here in the U.S. would be relished as a gift from God on the mission field.

Richard began repairing, rebuilding, and refurbishing used medical equipment. He organized CHOSEN in 1969. The name was later changed to ChosenIMA which stands for Chosen International Medical Assistance.

The group has shipped millions of dollars of remanufactured medical equipment to economically-deprived countries around the world with the prayer that “Every life we encounter will be enriched and transformed with the hope, knowledge, and love of Jesus Christ.”

Not all the repair work is done in the U.S. The ministry has expanded over the years to include sending staff and volunteers to mission hospitals to do onsite repairs and installation of new as well as used equipment. While staff members train healthcare workers in the medical facilities about the operation and proper maintenance, short-term missions volunteers encourage local believers and invite unbelievers to come to Jesus.

Those with expertise demonstrate new best practices in operating room procedures, infection control, and sterilization techniques.

With the best of intentions, some charitable organizations may send equipment that is not in optimal condition to healthcare facilities. Because that results in extra expense and the personal frustration and discouragement of those working in hospitals and clinics, ChosenIMA meticulously inspects each item for needed repairs, then tests and quality checks each before releasing them for shipment.

ChosenIMA is committed to making life easier for the dedicated medical staffs serving in Jesus’ name around the world.

Recently, the organization has expanded to serve the communities of Northwestern Pennsylvania as a warehouse and distribution center for home healthcare products. As “gently used” items, such as shower chairs, walkers, knee scooters, canes, and wheelchairs, are donated, the group makes them available to members of the community at no charge.

They have also partnered with other FBOs to build homes and churches, community projects, and clean water facilities.

AMSCO has since been acquired by Steris Healthcare and moved to Ohio. Nonetheless, ChosenIMA continues to follow the Lord’s call to aid Christian medical missionaries. And Steris continues to donate used equipment.

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