MEMPHIS, Tennessee (Commercial Appeal) – Church Health, a medical clinic with a Christian mission, operates the Perea Preschool in the poorest of poor neighborhoods of North Memphis, Tennessee, where 90% of the population lives below the federal poverty level.
Using Abeka teaching materials, the preschool introduces three-to-five-year-old children to basic educational needs and how to live a healthy life.
Part of their curriculum is teaching the children to have the same kind of generosity that they see the clinic and the school extending to them.
Several years ago, Church Health, led by founder, Rev. Dr. Scott Morris, M.D., formed an alliance with several needy schools in Mumbai. The six institutions that now exist in Mumbai are known as Memphis-Mumbai Connect Schools.
Church Health’s objective is to provide English and math lessons to the Mumbai children to help open to doors of opportunity for better education and, eventually, desirable jobs. The average annual wages of the Mumbai children’s families is roughly equivalent to $1,600 U.S. dollars.
Remarkably, the Perea Preschoolers and their families have been giving of what little they possess to help the children in Mumbai who have less.
The “widow’s mite” these children have given has enabled the Mumbai schools to purchase two televisions and access to videos that will enhance their education.
“Memphis has shown to be the most generous city in America even though, statistically, it is one of the poorest. Generosity is who we are, and it should give all of us great pride. It is also something that leads to a true sense of joy in life. Generosity brings hope for a better future, a connection with others and a sense of purpose in the present. Just ask the children of Perea Preschool and Memphis- Mumbai Connect. They will be glad to tell you.”
Sources: Commercial Appeal (USA Today Network)