LANGLEY, BC – Six men plan to mount their bicycles on the morning of June 27, 2021, in Tuktoyaktuk in the Northwest Territories of Canada. From that port outpost on the Arctic Ocean, the men will cycle southward, hoping to reach Prince Rupert, British Columbia, within two weeks.

At Prince Rupert, they will touch the waters of the Pacific Ocean before heading eastward on a cycling trip that will take them across the entire continent. Their journey will end when they reach the Atlantic Ocean at Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The entire trip is approximately 10,000 kilometers (just a bit less than 6,500 miles).
The average age of the riders is 65.
The ride will take 65 days.
The Cycling 4 Water Sea 2 Sea 2 Sea initiative is a joint project in collaboration with GAIN, the Global Aid Network. GAIN has installed more than 2,100 clean water wells in remote areas since 2002. Cycling 4 Water helped to fund many of those wells through a similar trip in 2016.
What motivates these men?
Their love of Jesus. Each of the men on the team has devoted their life to serving Jesus Christ. Each of them is actively involved in some aspect of evangelism and discipleship.
Their love for others. Jesus said that the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength. The second, He said, is to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Their love for the least of these. These men have been to multiple mission fields. They have seen people living in squalor, ravaged by the hopelessness of generational poverty, including the sickness and death spread by lack of access to clean water.
They are touched by the needs of others. They know that people need water for life and the water of life. One of the riders wept openly upon his first visit to a slum in Mexico. He believes that the riding will do more than weeping will.
I know this 65-day, 10,000 km ride will be difficult. But I also know it would be much more difficult to see my children die because they do not have clear water.
What is their goal?
These six men, average age 65, cycling nearly 6,500 miles for 65 days, have a goal that fits like fingers into a cycling glove.
They hope to raise enough money to drill wells in 65 villages throughout Africa. That’s one well for each day they plan to be on the road.
Their journey has not yet begun, but the funds are already pouring in. More than two months before they even begin their trek, the current Sea 2 Sea 2 Sea has already covered the costs of eight wells with pledges in hand for the cost of two more.
Pray for these men. They are Rob Montgomery, Timo Itkonen, Mike Woodard, Gabe McReynolds, Richard Blaschek, and Lyndon Dojohn.
You can learn more about each of them and about the Cycling 4 Water project at You will even learn how to follow them on each leg of their journey.
Missions Box News has scores of articles where you may learn more about the global clean water crisis and how faith-based organizations are helping.
Read more news on Faith-Based Organizations and the Clean Water Crisis on Missions Box.
Source: Global Aid Network, Official Website