European Prayer Summit in Bucharest Focused on Prayer for the Peace of Europe

The European prayer summit 2023 took place recently, in Bucharest. The theme of the meeting was "Prayer for the Peace of Europe".

BUCUREȘTI, ROMANIA — The European prayer summit 2023 took place recently, in Bucharest. The theme of the meeting was “Prayer for the Peace of Europe”. Participants prayed and interceded for peace in the eastern part of the continent, for the healing and transformation of European nations. A reecent video report was filed from this event.

The “European Prayer Summit” conference which took palce in Bucharest, brought together intercessors and leaders of prayer networks. from Europe and around the world. The main theme of the meeting was prayer for peace in Europe, for the end of the conflict in the east of the continent and for limiting the danger of the outbreak of a possible Third World War.

Delighted to be here. At the Europe Prayer Summit and we felt that given the situation in the war in Ukraine, which seems impossible for humans to solve. We better ask the Lord God Almighty because he specializes in bringing peace on where it is a impossible situation and I’ve been in many war zones for about 30 years and we have seen over and over. God will come in and we will get a peace agreement.

The reason we are gere is this legitimate concern that a possible Third World War, this time nuclear, will lead to the destruction of humanity. We know God’s plan will not allow this, but we cannot rely solely on what we believe or how we interpret God’s Word. Therefore, when God calls us to stand up and do something according to His Word and His guidance, we must be present and answer His call.

At the prayer summit, reconciliation between European nations, and between ethnic and religious groups was insisted upon. There were moments of prayer, intercession and prophetic acts. Also, prophetic words were spoken to the nations, regarding their alignment with God’s plan.

I received a vision of what the Lord intends to do: to call the Body of Christ from our continent into a wider context, with representatives from the nations of the continent, including representatives from Russia and Ukraine. And in this context, by the grace of God, and we trust that God will work, allowing the time to come when the representatives of Russia and Ukraine will speak what is in their hearts, and hopefully they will forgive each other and declare that they want God to work healing between the two nations, and let us see the unity that the Lord speaks of in Scripture.

God would take charge when we come together like we’re doing here in Bucharest to pray for all of Europe and that we can trust him that he’s going to do something wonderful if we agree in prayer because he said that in Matthew 18. He said if you agree as touching anything you ask of a father it will be done. But we have to agree as Christians, that’s the hard part. So it takes a little time to for us to come together really get reconciled if there’s division confess our sins, personal, national sins.

My expectation is that this Gathering would contribute to Expediting peace, and that really God will move in the hearts of the Russian side and also Ukrainians and that the war will stop soon.

Participants understood the need for unity in the Body of Christ and have confidence that, as people seek God, He will bring healing, forgiveness and restoration.

I am very privileged, honor than happy to be at this conference at this Summit because I believe it’s very strategic, and I believe good things have already happened, and I believe this is the beginning of new things that will happen in the future. It also shows something about the calling of the nation of Romania which I have always believed is very strategic for Europe and for this time and for the intercessory movement

This particular summer prayer Summit has really changed my life in the sense that I go from conference Revival conference to Revival conference, but this Prayer Summit is doing the real work. It’s praying and in prayer, we are unified. In worship, we are unified. In communion, which we had together here were unified,

I come from India in a place called Vasai and I am a Catholic. I was touched by the Lord in 1983. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. My life just turned around, it was Sledgehammer experience for me.

This is a special event for us here to visit Romania. It’s just been a wonderful few days. And our hearts were really initially moved by the war in Ukraine, and we wanted to come here primarily to pray for peace to pray for the nations in Europe.

I’m here because it’s a prayer Gathering and most of my work has to do with gospel movements all around the world.

A special moment of the even was the presence of a representative group of Roma from Boldești, Prahova country, who ministered in worship.

Throughout the prayer summit in Bucharest, the IHOP group from Timișoara served in worship, and the transmission was provided by Alfa Omega TV.

Read more news on Christian Ministry and Prayer on Missions Box.

Source: Global News Alliance, European Prayer Summit Conference Bucharest 2023

1 comment

  1. Hi I’m asking for prayer for my family because we don’t have food from one week and my wife is pregnant and I m jobless please stand with us through your prayers and support

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