Gospel for Asia Providing Help and Hope that Transforms Impoverished Communities

GFA World is committed to continuing its faithful support of indigenous believers who are sharing Christ, training, and sending missionaries

WILLS POINT, TX – The Lord has used GFA World to share Good News, to send indigenous workers to provide help to needy communities, and to grow Bible-believing churches over the past 42 years. It enjoys global recognition as a major faith-based humanitarian organization. However, its primary mission remains to represent Jesus Christ and His love through word and deed across Asia.

The humanitarian aid aspects of the ministry include:

And yet, there is so much more.

Many may not realize the marvelous ways the Lord has used Gospel for Asia (GFA World) to minister to the millions of people in Asia. Reaching out to those who have never experienced God’s love is just the beginning of the process it takes to establish local churches that not only serve their immediate communities but endeavor to provide help and hope to outlying villages.


The humanitarian ministries listed above highlight the different ways Gospel for Asia (GFA) is sharing help and hope with the hopeless, and transforming communities in despair through practical ways that help them escape persistent poverty.

These specific GFA ministries address practical, everyday needs that communities have, like the need for clean water, sanitation, food, basic health care, education and vocational support. They are provided with a generous dose of local loving-kindness to express the heart of Christ and his love for all people.


Gospel for Asia (GFA World) also supports national workers who share the love of Christ with their neighbors. As these relationships deepen, more and more people experience God’s love, and a new fellowship is born as new believers gather together for fellowship and discipleship.

The national worker often takes on the role of pastoring this congregation and will also continue ministering to surrounding villages where the name of Jesus is still unknown.


Generous and faithful donors provide a portion of the funding for the construction of places of worship. However, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) believes that a healthy church is a self-supporting church. In fact, there are many churches that are now self-supporting, meaning they are a full-fledged church with land, a building, and believers who are giving enough via their tithes and offerings to sustain their church and its various ministries to help their community.

Local believers are taught how to do their part – and they are quite willing to do so. For example, in one year, the believers in one country financed 70 percent of the construction of 48 new church buildings. More than 400 self-supporting churches have been established with the support of Gospel for Asia (GFA World) in this nation. The believers there are poor, yet they have personally sent and supported 75 national workers in their own nation and have constructed about 280 churches.

Sharing God’s love and message of new life remains at the heart of all of GFA World’s ministry. It is wonderful to see so many churches established that are self-governing, self-financed, and self-propagating after 42 years of prayer and faithful service.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is committed to continuing its faithful support of indigenous believers who are sharing Christ’s love, providing hope and help to impoverished communities in practical ways, and fostering new congregations.

Read more news on the Humanitarian Services, Faith Based Organizations and GFA World.

Source: GFA World, Official Website

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