Gospel for Asia Asks for Prayer in November

Gospel for Asia (GFA), one of the world’s largest faith-based missions organization, is asking for our prayers.

WILLS POINT, TX –Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, is asking for our prayers in the month of November as many are struggling and in desperate need of protection from the icy blast of winter.

The Reason for Prayer

During this month of November, Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the group’s founder and president, has requested prayer specifically for the families who live high in the mountains of the South Asian subcontinent as they face the annual onslaught of winter.

“When the winter winds are at their strongest, impoverished families in Asia struggle to find warmth,” Gospel for Asia (GFA) reports. “Many can’t afford to buy warm clothing or blankets—even more so now, after the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have prevented many from earning livable wages. …

Unable to earn a livelihood that enables them to properly feed or clothe themselves because of the pandemic, entire communities could face the triple threat of sickness, starvation and dangerously low temperatures without adequate protection from the cold.”

These people and the Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers who serve in their communities desperately need blankets and winter clothing to protect them from the harsh winds and freezing temperatures.

“The cold is no mere irritant for impoverished families in Asia,” GFA says. “Continued exposure can bring sickness—even death.”

Providing for those needs is an ongoing annual project for the agency. Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers minister to those in need by providing warm blankets and winter clothing. As they do so, they spread the love of God, giving every gift in the name of Jesus.

“During 2019 alone, around 300,000 families received blankets from GFA workers. But many more families and individuals still struggle against the cold,” Gospel for Asia (GFA) says. “They huddle around small sources of heat or gather whatever scraps of clothing they can find. Breadwinners find it difficult to go out and provide for their families in cold weather, driving them deeper into poverty. With a warm blanket or winter clothing packet, their situation can change.”

The Requests for Prayer

Yohannan is asking believers to pray for six specific areas of concern.

  • Pray for those whose lives are at risk, that GFA workers can minister to and help as many of these families as possible.
  • Pray that warm blankets and winter clothing will protect the health of all those GFA is able to minister to.
  • Pray for the health and protection of the GFA workers who are dedicated to trekking through dangerous mountain passages to deliver these supplies.
  • Pray GFA will be able to distribute even more blankets and warm clothing than ever before.
  • Pray recipients will see and realize God’s love as these items are freely given to them.
  • Pray that the protective clothing and warm blankets will last a long time.
  • Pray that the Lord will protect the clothing and blankets just as He preserved the clothing and sandals of the children of Israel during their exodus from Egypt.

Let us remember that the Lord will accomplish great things through the prayers of ordinary people like you and me. All we have to do is ask (see James 5).

Read more news on Gospel for Asia and World Missions on Missions Box.


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