I Am Living Proof Film Premieres, Telling Stories of Miraculous Healings

COLORADO — Tent revivals and healing ministry have a long history in the Christian church. Recently a Mario Murillo tent meeting in the USA resulted in numerous miracles that are now documented in a feature-length film set to premiere in theaters across the US.I Am Living Proof is the film, and the stories of faith and healing are evidence to the supernatural power of God.

In the summer of 2022, evangelist Mario Murillo brought his Living Proof crusade to Colorado Springs, Colorado.


Well, I’ve known Mario for 56 years.

At the height of the Jesus movement in Southern California, Mario had led Bob Maddox to Christ when they were just teenagers. Decades later Bob had become a pastor and film director.


And so he sent me a testimony of a man that was healed at the crusade and said, this should be made into a documentary.


And when that happened to me that night, it changed my whole complete outlook in life. And I can’t be any happier.

The man who had received healing and a radical conversion was indeed a powerful witness to the grace and mercy of God.


And the more we investigated that healing and additional healings the more it became clear that there was an amazing story here.

The next story was a young woman by the name of Bri who suffered from a debilitating illness for several years.


I wasn’t even supposed to be there because I couldn’t even get out of bed that day and my brother had to like literally, like, helped carry me out of the bed. And I was at the tent, and, uh, Mario was doing a salvation call, and I went up there, and in the middle of the salvation call, he just pointed at me, and he just, BOOM! That’s, that’s when it happened.

TRAILER: Jesus saw the crowds, was moved with compassion, and then great power was manifested.


It just hits you, you go, this is a real thing. And we capture, on film, her moment of healing. It leaves you in tears.


I think this movie is for skeptics. It’s for the person who says. I’m not quite sure. I think God is still real in the world that he still is working.

Shane Gilbert is the film’s producer.


Well, the title of the film, I Am Living Proof actually stems off of the name of Mario’s crusades, which is Living Proof. They’re the living proof that God obviously has to be healing still today.


The status of these three people is now over two and a half years later. After they were healed, they came to the premiere in Colorado, all three of them. One had graduated from Bible college. The other was, had been living and walking out or healing for two and a half years. They were all so happy and full of life and it just, it just struck you deeply. Yeah.


All I know is God’s heart and his heart is for people to be healed, 100%. And I truly believe there’s going to be a huge outpouring in Colorado Springs, truly. I’m so excited.

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