In Memoriam – Luis Palau 1934 – 2021

Photo by Paul Bowman (Luis Palau) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

PORTLAND, OR – For anyone who knew him or had ever sat under his preaching, the next four words are heartbreaking. Luis Palau has died.

Today, at the age of 86, Palau completed more than 55 years of faithful ministry, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions of people around the world. Some believe that the Argentinian-born evangelist preached to more people face-to-face than any other person.

Photo by Paul Bowman, Wikimedia Commons [CC BY 2.0]
His official obituary notes that “His work took him to more than 80 nations and his campaigns allowed him to present a clear case for Christianity to an audience of more than 1 billion people through television, radio, print, and live events.”

His work and preaching were so prolific that Missions Box News has published no less than 27 articles about Dr. Palau and his evangelistic ministry over the last 19 years.

In the mid-1980s, 41 years before his death, Palau told an assembly of 10,000 pastors, evangelists, and church leaders,

“If I’m remembered for anything when I die, I want it to be this:

That I had a heart and life which burned with the love and power of the Holy Spirit,

A heart afire with love for God and for people,

A message aflame with power to convict the souls of men and win them to Christ.

That is my reason for living. That is my purpose in being an evangelist.”

Palau had been under hospice care in the final days of his battle with lung cancer. Despite his deteriorating physical condition, Palau joyfully and enthusiastically shared the love of Christ with his family, friends, and caregivers. Luis said,

“I have no regret in pouring out my years, from the time I was a boy, for the sake of the Good News. If I was given a thousand lifetimes, I would dedicate them all to the same calling.”

If Christians are to be a light in the darkness, Luis Palau was a beacon that pierced even the darkest of nights and tempests of life. He didn’t just preach the joy of knowing Jesus. He lived it. God forbid that we should do anything less.

A private memorial service will be held for Luis Palau in Portland, Oregon. The service will be live-streamed on at a date and time to be announced.

Read more news on Luis Palau and World Missions on Missions Box.

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