Indian Teen Dies After Rape and Being Set Afire

Teenage girls in asia

The recent violent death of a 16-year-old rape victim again brings focus to India’s crisis of sexual assault against women. The assailant, who also set the teenager aflame before fleeing, was allegedly her 20-year-old boyfriend.

Cultural norms in India make the reporting of sexual assault taboo. However, more rape victims are reporting their assaults and the number of reports is rising annually.

Several Christian ministries in India focus on affirming and empowering women who often live in difficult surroundings. Gospel for Asia (GFA) supports missionaries who focus on women’s needs. They offer discipleship and even vocational training to help them become financially independent. Mission India offers women literacy training, which often leads to greater earning potential.

Pray for cultural change in India that raises the dignity and respect of women in India.

The news above is a summary of the following news articles:

BBC: Arrest after girl raped, set on fire near India capital

The Guardian: Girl, 15, raped and set on fire in India

CNN: Police: Indian teen dies after being raped, set on fire

Gospel For Asia: Something Better than Escape

Mission India: A Life Transformed by Adult Literacy

Editor’s note: MissionsBox is edited and managed by Gospel for Asia


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