Mosque attack in Quebec, Canada



By Gilbert Bochenek


On January 30, a man walked into a mosque in Quebec, Canada and started shooting. Three people were killed in the attack. There were also 19 others who were injured.

According to CBC, “Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, has been charged with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder in connection with the attack, which also left 19 injured.”

Quebec has the highest number of Muslim immigrants in the country.

The Guardian reports, “To its great credit, Quebec has the highest rate of Muslim immigration of any Canadian province. This is because of the history of French colonialism in North Africa and Quebec’s particular sympathy to Francophone immigrants. Yet the mosaic model of multiculturalism (by which I mean multiculturalism in which minority groups are not expected to assimilate, but can, rather, coexist alongside the majority culture) applied in other provinces sits uneasily here.”

The mosque did not reopen their doors to the public until four days after the attack.

The Montreal Gazette explains, “‘The mosque opened its doors to media Wednesday morning ‘to show all Canadians what happened, ’with many Muslims touring the building for the first time since the shooting.”

Officials of Quebec went to funeral services with the Muslim community in order to show solidarity.

The CBC reports, “In a show of solidarity, one by one, political leaders and representatives from the Muslim community spoke of the importance of coming together.”

The Christian and Missionary Alliance is working in Canada to share Christ’s hope with the people of Quebec.

According to the Christian and Missionary Alliance, “Today, the St. Lawrence District is comprised of about 30 faith communities, several being new church plants. We are grateful for the cultural and ethnic diversity that is expressed in our churches.”

Please pray for many to come to know the Lord because of this attack.

CBC: Calls for tolerance at Montreal funeral for men killed in Quebec City mosque attack

Montreal Gazette: Quebec mosque shooting, Day 4: Mosque staff ‘show all Canadians what happened’

The Guardian: After the Quebec mosque attack, Canada needs to take a hard look at itself

Christian and Missionary Alliance Quebec: About


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