“It is conceivable that God might have ordained to preach the Gospel directly to man through dreams, visions and revelations. But as a matter of fact, He has not done this; but rather has committed the preaching to man, telling them to go and disciple all nations. The responsibility lies squarely on our shoulders.” ~…

“You may never be called personally to reach the hidden peoples of Asia; but through soldier-like suffering at home, you can make it possible for millions to hear overseas.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

“I am becoming increasingly convinced that the emerging global call to prayer will be the key to gathering in history’s final and greatest harvest. To bring back the King, we must pray back the King.” ~ Dick Eastman ~ Dick Eastman is the president of every home for christ.

“All my forefathers have passed away into darkness without knowing anything of what was to befall them; how is it that your forefathers knowing all these things, did not send word to my forefathers sooner?” ~ African chief to missionary David Livingstone ~

“The Bible in its totality ascribes only one intention to God: to save mankind. Every task of the church makes sense and has a purpose only as it leads to the mission.” ~ Georg F. Vicedom ~ Georg F. Vicedom was a missionary in New Guinea.  

“Missions is the reason we live. The minute the Church gets on her knees, the minute the Church sells out to advancing the Gospel into these dark areas, Satan is done.” ~ John Willis Zumwalt ~ John Willis zumwalt was the founder of heart of god ministries.    

“People full of the Holy Spirit are committed to God’s work. They want to be where laborers are needed most, and there is no more pressing need than bringing the Gospel to hell-bound men and women.” ~ Robert E. Coleman ~

Oh for a fresh, clear, arresting vision of the whole world to break upon the Church of Christ, constraining all Christians to lift up their eyes and look out unselfishly beyond their own narrow boundaries and local interests, and share their Savior’s burden of heart for the souls of all mankind! ~ Robert Hall Glover…

“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.” ~ Mother Teresa ~ mother teresa was a missionary who helped the poor in calcutta, india.

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet…

“You can do something other than working with God in His purpose, but it will always be something lesser, and you couldn’t come up with something better.” ~ Steve Hawthorne ~ Steve hawthorne is a missionary to the  highlands quechua indian    

“We have a base man-pleasing disposition, which will make us let men perish lest we lose their love, and let them go quietly to hell, lest we should make them angry with us for seeking their salvation: and we are ready to venture on the displeasure of God, and risk the everlasting misery of our…

“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.” ~ Psalm 22:27-28 ~

“May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!” ~ One of two Moravian missionaries as their ship left harbor, leaving home and family to reach an island where Christ was unknown ~

“This true definition of a missionary is free from racial, sectarian and vocational overtones. It allows us to help available indigenous missionaries accomplish the task in an effective, efficient manner. Let us look instead for any ‘sent one’ who is going into all the world to reach those who have not heard the Gospel. We…

“Most Christians would like to send their recruits to Bible college for five years. I would like to send them to hell for five minutes. That would do more than anything else to prepare them for a lifetime of compassionate ministry.” ~ William Booth ~ william booth was the founder of salvation army.  

“I believe that in each generation God has “called” enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth… Everywhere I go, I constantly meet with men and women who say to me, “When I was young, I wanted to be a missionary, but I got married instead.” Or, “My parents…

“God has not given us this superabundance of blessings so we can sit back and enjoy the luxuries of this society. He has left us on this earth to be stewards of these spiritual and material blessings, learning how to share with others and administer our wealth to accomplish the purposes of God.” ~ K.P….

“God’s plan in these last days is revival in His worldwide church and through the revived church the reaping of a final great harvest of souls.” ~ Norman Grubb ~ Norman grubb was a missionary to the congos.  

“Not every believer has the missionary gift, but every Christian is called to some kind of involvement in missions. We are called to advance the gospel in some way and to participate in the fulfilling of God’s purposes in our generation.” ~ David Shibley ~ david shibley is the founder of global advance.  

“God is calling Christians in the West to recognize that He is building His Church as a caring, sharing and saving outreach to dying souls. The West must share with the East, knowing that Jesus said, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it…

“The missionary enterprise is no human conception or undertaking, no modern scheme or invention… It did not originate in the brain or heart of any man, not even William Carey, or the Apostle Paul. Its source was in the heart of God Himself. And Jesus Christ, God’s great Missionary to a lost world, was the…

“It’s time to stop thinking about us. It’s time to shed the fads, buzzwords, trends and failed practices. It’s time to lay down our ambitions and give ourselves to being effective in reaching the lost world.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~

“We have all eternity to tell of the victories won for Christ, but we have only a few hours before sunset to win them.” ~ Amy Carmichael ~ amy carmichael was a missionary to india who rescued children off the streets.

“Give me the love that leads the way, The faith that nothing can dismay, The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire. Let me not sink to be a clod; Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.” ~ Amy Carmichael ~ Amy carmichael was a missionary in india who provided an…