Quote of the Day
“Praying for the lost is deep-knee fishing” ~ WDB ~
“Praying for the lost is deep-knee fishing” ~ WDB ~
“Today five out of six non-Christians in our world have no hope unless missionaries come to them and plant the church among them.” ~ David Bryant ~
“Out of 648 million evangelical Christians, about 70% have never been told about the world’s 1.6 billion unevangelized individuals.” ~ Barrett and Johnson, World Christian Trends ~
“I believe the reason many Christians are so dull and lifeless in their faith is because they are not in the battle, not using their weapons, not advancing against the enemy.” ~ George Verwer ~
“May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!” ~ One of two Moravian missionaries as their ship left harbor, leaving home and family to reach an island where Christ was unknown ~
“Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” ~ 1 Chronicles 16:23-24 ~
“This true definition of a missionary is free from racial, sectarian and vocational overtones. It allows us to help available indigenous missionaries accomplish the task in an effective, efficient manner. Let us look instead for any ‘sent one’ who is going into all the world to reach those who have not heard the Gospel. We…
“Most Christians would like to send their recruits to Bible college for five years. I would like to send them to hell for five minutes. That would do more than anything else to prepare them for a lifetime of compassionate ministry.” ~ William Booth ~ william booth was the founder of salvation army.
“It is the whole business of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.” ~ Charles Spurgeon ~
“I believe that in each generation God has “called” enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth… Everywhere I go, I constantly meet with men and women who say to me, “When I was young, I wanted to be a missionary, but I got married instead.” Or, “My parents…
“God has not given us this superabundance of blessings so we can sit back and enjoy the luxuries of this society. He has left us on this earth to be stewards of these spiritual and material blessings, learning how to share with others and administer our wealth to accomplish the purposes of God.” ~ K.P….
“God’s plan in these last days is revival in His worldwide church and through the revived church the reaping of a final great harvest of souls.” ~ Norman Grubb ~ Norman grubb was a missionary to the congos.
“The worst crime of the desert is knowing where the water is and not telling.” ~ Anonymous ~
“The secret of following God’s will usually is wrapped up in rejecting the good for God’s best.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~
“85% of all annual scripture distribution benefits Christians (World C) and 0.4% benefits the unevangelized World A.” ~ Barrett and Johnson, World Christian Trends ~
“Not every believer has the missionary gift, but every Christian is called to some kind of involvement in missions. We are called to advance the gospel in some way and to participate in the fulfilling of God’s purposes in our generation.” ~ David Shibley ~ david shibley is the founder of global advance.
“God is calling Christians in the West to recognize that He is building His Church as a caring, sharing and saving outreach to dying souls. The West must share with the East, knowing that Jesus said, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it…
“The true goal of Christian unity is world evangelization.” ~ David Shibley ~ david shibley was the founder of global advance.
“The missionary enterprise is no human conception or undertaking, no modern scheme or invention… It did not originate in the brain or heart of any man, not even William Carey, or the Apostle Paul. Its source was in the heart of God Himself. And Jesus Christ, God’s great Missionary to a lost world, was the…
“It’s time to stop thinking about us. It’s time to shed the fads, buzzwords, trends and failed practices. It’s time to lay down our ambitions and give ourselves to being effective in reaching the lost world.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~
“We have all eternity to tell of the victories won for Christ, but we have only a few hours before sunset to win them.” ~ Amy Carmichael ~ amy carmichael was a missionary to india who rescued children off the streets.
“Christians in the West must abandon the totally unscriptural idea that they should support only white missionaries from America.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~
“Evangelism is the spontaneous overflow of a glad and free heart in Jesus Christ.” ~ Robert Munger ~
“Give me the love that leads the way, The faith that nothing can dismay, The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire. Let me not sink to be a clod; Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.” ~ Amy Carmichael ~ Amy carmichael was a missionary in india who provided an…
Having the love of God in our hearts is the only way we can make a dramatic difference in our world for His kingdom. When His love flows through us, we will reach out to the unreached with the Gospel. ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~
“Nepal is facing a humanitarian crisis due to the blockade of its border posts with India over the new secular constitution. Here’s the problem: the blockade, which is now into its second month, has severely restricted the amount of fuel and essential supplies reaching the country from India.”- https://www.mnnonline.org/news/nepal-pulled-between-the-dragon-and-the-elephant/ India has limited the amount of…
“Votes are still coming in, but initial results show a win for the National League for Democracy (NLD). According to Reuters, the party currently ruling Myanmar–also known as Burma–openly admitted defeat as election results were announced yesterday afternoon.” The National League for Democracy defeated the military junta which had been in power for years. This…
Less than 5% of total missionary activity is focused on those who have never once had a chance to hear about the Good News of the Gospel. ~ Barrett and Johnshon, World Christian Trends ~
“The witness of simple believers relying on the power of God is at the heart of all successful missionary work. As you witness these miracles and hear stories from indigenous missionaries around the world, you cannot help but be struck by how similar their accounts are to the stories in the Gospels and the book…
“The core of the unreached people of our world live in a rectangular shaped window. Often called the Resistance Belt, the window extends from West Africa to East Asia, from 10 degrees north to 40 degrees north of the equator. This specific region, which has increasingly become known as The 10/40 Window, encompasses the majority…
Early Life of Don Richardson Don Richardson was born in Canada in 1935. After graduating high school, Don went to Prairie Bible School in Alberta, Canada. There he met his future wife, Carol. Dating, however, was highly discouraged at the Bible School. One thing that caught Don’s eyes concerning Carol, was her commitment to love…
Early Life Livingstone was born in a small town in Scotland on March 19, 1813. As a child in school, he had a great interest in science, which eventually led him to being a medical doctor. In 1832, Livingstone read a book about the need for medical doctors in China, and from this day on,…
“O God! Old and feeble and unworthy as I am, help me to win them.” – Mary Slessor Early Life Mary Slessor was born in Scotland in 1848. Her mother was a Christian. She knew God worked through prayer, so she spent hours praying. Mary’s mother was praying her son, Robert would become a missionary….
“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” – C.T. Studd Early Life of C.T. Studd Charles Thomas Studd (C.T. Studd) was born in England on December 6, 1860. In 1877, his father Edward converted to Christianity while attending a Dwight…
“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” – Hudson Taylor Early Life of Hudson Taylor Hudson Taylor was born in Yorkshire, England on May 21, 1832. His father was a chemist and Methodist lay minister. Hudson was dedicated to reaching China with the Good News…
Eric Liddell is famous for his 1924 Olympic race as depicted in “Chariots of Fire” and his refusal to run on Sunday because of his faith. Yet, much of what made his life significant happened after the movie.
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.’” ~ Matthew 16:24-25 ~
“There is no gospel without mission, and there is no mission without the gospel.” ~ Alex Deasley~
“Oh, that I had a thousand lives, and a thousand bodies! All of them should be devoted to no other employment but to preach Christ to these degraded, despised, yet beloved mortals.” ~ Robert Moffat ~ Robert moffat was a scottish missionary to south africa and the father-in-law of dr.david livingstone.
“Missions: the Word of God from the heart of God to the heart of man through a consecrated, dedicated, and pure vessel.” ~ Nick Frost ~
“Is social reform, compassionate concern or evangelism to be the driving purpose of missions? Tens of millions of Christians in the United States and Europe cannot reply correctly to this question. Fundraising promotions have merged the three into one, and the average Christian can no longer separate the Gospel of Christ from the various social…
“I wasn’t God’s first choice for what I’ve done for China… I don’t know who it was… It must have been a man – a wonderful man… a well-educated man. I don’t know what happened. Perhaps he died. Perhaps he wasn’t willing… and God looked down… and saw Gladys Aylward… And God said – ‘Well,…
I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages – villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world. ~ Robert Moffat ~ Robert Moffat was a scottish missionary to south africa and father-in-law of Dr. david livingstone.
“I would sooner pluck one single brand from the burning than explain all mysteries.” ~ Charles Spurgeon ~
“Satan has presented us with an alluring array of substitutes for the Great Commission. We need to wait humbly upon God for discernment about the validity of the mission causes that get His tithes and offerings.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And…
“When James Calvert went out as a missionary to the cannibals of the Fiji Islands, the ship captain tried to turn him back, saying, ‘You will lose your life and the lives of those with you if you go among such savages.’ To that, Calvert replied, ‘We died before we came here.’” ~ David Augsburger,…
“I am willing to go anywhere, at anytime, to do anything for Jesus.” ~ Luther Wishard ~ Luther Wishard was the first full-time staff of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) and a mission mobilizer who inspired students to go overseas as missionaries.
“We can make it possible for millions of brown and yellow feet to move out with the liberating Gospel of Jesus. Thousands of national missionaries will go to the lost if Christians in the West will help.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~
“Despite Christ’s command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard his name.” ~ Barrett and Johnson, World Christian Trends ~