Remember Radio?

February 13 is World Radio Day. Missions Box will highlight the radio ministries that reach millions of unreached with the Gospel worldwide.

Contrary to popular belief among many Americans, radio is not a relic of the past. Once again, we are victims of our own isolation and our preoccupation with the ever-emerging technologies that seem to have relegated radio to the recollection of retirees. Then, there is the virtual demise of the once ubiquitous Radio Shack. The company closed 1,000 stores in 2017 leaving only 70 operating. Surely, that must be a signal that radio is either dead or on life support. However, quite the opposite is true. Not only is radio alive and well, but it is also thriving, and, in many parts of the world, it is life support. On January 9, 2019, Radio World announced that, after a decade without consistent radio broadcasting, the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria is now able to reach the entire population with a new directional antenna and 150,000 watts of power.

Radio is – and will continue to be – one of the most effective outreaches for world missions. Programming can reach far into areas where it is difficult, if not impossible, to frequent by transportation or communicate by any other means.

Transworld Radio, more popularly known as TWR, effectively reaches millions of people in 190 countries, sharing Bible truth in their own language. TWR has operated for more than 60 years and has been used of God “to lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship.”

TWR broadcasts from 2,000 outlets and in 230 different languages. Programs broadcasted from TWR stations include Bible stories, testimonies of believers, and practical matters like family relationships and church planting. The organization receives more than 400 responses every month from listeners in the PANI region (Pakistan, Afghanistan, North India). These are people who want to learn more about Jesus.

Far East Broadcasting Company is another example of the power of radio in reaching the unreached in 113 different languages.

Because over 67% of the world does not have Internet access, there are 4.6 billion people who still need access to the radio to hear the Word of God. With 149 stations across half the globe, 3 billion people are currently within reach of our broadcasts. That’s half the world’s population who can hear the hope of Jesus Christ when they have a radio. With much of the developing world lacking electricity, wi-fi, and other technological advancements—radio is still the most effective way to minister to the unreached.

Radio reaches people living in isolated and desperate areas of the world who otherwise would have no access to the Gospel. It’s the ideal medium to break through barriers of illiteracy, allowing 793 million people in the world to hear what they cannot read. This makes radios prized possessions in remote regions of the world, where one radio is listened to by an entire village. And even in countries and cultures where Christianity is forbidden, radio waves can travel across borders and reach people who are searching for the truth.

February 13th is World Radio Day. Over the next few weeks, Missions Box will highlight the ministries of TWR, FEBC, and other radio ministries that are spreading the Gospel to listeners around the world. Please use this month to pray with us for these dynamic ministries.

To read more news on Christian Radio on Missions Box, go here.

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