FORT MILL, SC – You could say that Joseph and Mabel Davis gave birth to SAM (South America Missions). The couple embarked on their first mission trip to South America in 1914, one month after the beginning of World War I. The outbreak of the war did not prevent their planned departure to Argentina, but it did make their journey longer and more difficult.

All ocean liners sailing from New York had been commandeered to move troops and supplies to our European allies. The only way to Argentina was by means of a detour across the North Atlantic to Liverpool. Following their arrival in England, the Davises transferred to another ship bound for their destination.
That was the inauspicious inception of the South America Mission. More than 100 years later, the reach and ministry of SAM have far exceeded the Davis’ dreams.
Over the past 100 years, many missionary disciples have made many more disciples, established Christian churches and schools, and trained and equipped local Christian leaders throughout South America.
SAM has thriving ministries across Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. The agency is working toward establishing an enduring work in Paraguay, the land-locked “Heart of South America.”
Among Paraguay’s heart problems are the multiple admixtures of Roman Catholicism with “superstitious traditionalism and occult-related bondage.” The people are in desperate need of hearing the truth of the Gospel and its message of salvation as clearly expressed in the Bible.
Meanwhile, SAM’s ministries are prospering in the other countries where it serves.
One of SAM’s shining lights is the Ammi Training Center that was established in Brazil in 1995. The country is home to approximately 341 distinct tribal groups, one-third of which still have no Gospel witness. Another 35 groups are “on the brink of distinction.”
The vision of the Ammi Training Center is “to see a dynamic church in every tribe in Brazil.” The center prepares students in the Scriptures and in practical methods for introducing better farming, healthcare, and sanitation. Graduates leave the residential campus well-equipped to return to their villages and bring about spiritual and holistic transformation.
To date, the center has produced 321 graduates from 49 different tribal groups. The “vast majority” of those graduates have returned to or near to their own indigenous communities.
SAM recently suffered a setback in Peru when, on November 8, 2020, a strong storm collapsed the roof under which their floatplane had been parked. The winds lifted the roof, then dropped it down onto the tail-end of the plane.
OB-1467 has been in continuous use since 1992. It has been the only missionary-operated floatplane in Peru. The aircraft has been vital to transporting missionaries and supplies, providing rescue and ambulance services, and carrying Bible school students to otherwise difficult-to-reach villages.
Pray for this amazing ministry that is winning souls for Jesus all across our neighboring American continent. Pray specifically for the Lord to provide for the restoration or replacement of the floatplane. Pray for the Ammi Training Center and for the multitude of other active SAM ministries in Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. Pray for open doors in Paraguay.
Read more news on South America and World Missions on Missions Box.
- South America Mission, Official Website
- ECFA, South America Mission
- Prayercast, Paraguay