FARMINGTON, MI – SEND International ’s roots were planted during World War II when the Lord spoke to the hearts of young Christian soldiers for the unreached people in the war-ravaged Pacific nations.
By the second half of the 1980s, SEND missionaries had established outreaches into Hong Kong and Spain. That was a precursor to an evangelism explosion over the next decade when the ministry expanded into countries across Asia, Russia, and Europe.
SEND Practices
As a rule, missionary agencies that are marked by unique distinctions tend to become the most successful in nearly every realm of measurement. SEND International is a great example. SEND is intentionally interdenominational, with its teams focusing on the fundamentals of the faith and reaching the unreached together.
SEND stresses four elements of approach in its work.
- Incarnational. Each member lives out the Gospel in front of the people whom they hope to reach.
- Multinational. Believing that Jesus sent us to reach the whole world, members come from different ethnic and national backgrounds to become disciple-makers both within and outside of their own ethnic or national backgrounds.
- Teams. SEND deploys missionaries in teams, just as Jesus did with his disciples. Each team functions in the most effective way to accomplish their mission in their field of service.
- Member Care. Rarely do similar agencies openly discuss their concern for the health and well-being of their members. SEND is determined to “go to great lengths to make sure each missionary and their families are cared for to ensure their physical, spiritual, educational, and emotional health before, during, and following field assignments.”
SEND Places
SEND International is divided into four different geographic sectors, SEND Americas, SEND Asia, SEND Eurasia, and SEND Europe. Each sector covers several countries and ethnicities, sometimes in unexpected ways.
For example, the teams with the Diaspora Ministry in North America are focused on serving the millions of immigrants who have come here as students, government employees, and refugees. The teams offer them genuine love, care, and friendship through incarnational living and evangelism.
Massive numbers of immigrants and refugees have flooded European countries. Europe has become “a complicated religious picture where you can minister to anyone from atheists to nominal Orthodox and from Catholic to Muslims all in one place.” SEND Europe has teams deployed in 11 European countries.
The teams in Eurasia and Asia serve under different cultural mores but under the same spiritual directive: to tell the world about Jesus.
“God has a plan for the nations, and you have a place in it.”
Readers can learn much more intriguing information about Send International on their website.
Read more news on World Missions on Missions Box.
- SEND International, Official Website
- ECFA, SEND International