CANTON, GA – SERV International focuses on providing food, both as an existential need and as a platform for sharing the Bread of Life.

The global food crisis is familiar to Missions Box readers. To some extent, in one form or another, food distribution has become a common component for nearly every faith-based ministry. Rightly so. The vast majority of people unreached with the Gospel live in regions where food insecurity is the norm.
If we were to ask any malnourished, hungry, or starving person what they most wanted, they would answer with the obvious. “I need food.” Even though we have the message that Jesus is the Bread of Life and want to share it with them, they will be much more receptive to the answer to their spiritual needs after we have helped them meet their physical hunger.
SERV’s Mission
SERV International does not include food as a part of their ministry. It is the platform they use to open the door to introducing the hungry to the only One who can satisfy their souls. His name is Jesus. Millions are starving to meet Him, but they have never heard of Him.
That is not to say that SERV forces hungry people to listen to their message. However, because of their gratitude, they are more than willing to hear about the provider of the food.
SERV has a vision “to physically and spiritually feed people and develop strong communities in some of the most remote regions in the world.” Once they build relationships with those people, they keep going back to feed them, meet their other needs, and help them transform their lives, their families, and their communities through the love and providence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
SERV’s “Miracle Food”
SERV food packages contain a blend of nutrient-rich, dehydrated meals that have been determined to be much more nutritious and healthier than rice and beans. Packages contain blends of vegetables, soy protein, and vitamin mix. Each bag contains enough food to provide 50 meals.
If that’s not enough of a miracle, consider this: Each meal costs only 11 cents!
Over the past 15 years, “SERV has distributed more than 20 million meals to people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.” Those packages of “miracle food” have been responsible for documented “widespread improvements in health and reduction of deaths” in the communities where they have been distributed.
Thus far, during 2020, SERV has produced and distributed 3.7 million meals. The team’s goal is to exceed more than four million meals in 2021.
SERV’s Message
SERV’s message reflects its mission to feed the hungry and to introduce them to Jesus. SERV reflects the faithfulness of the One who has promised to never leave us or forsake us by continually returning with the foods necessary for their health and growth. His faithfulness is constant. His supply is continuous.
By establishing a presence and continuing the provision of food, the hungry and unreached can realize that they are, in effect, witnessing the love and faithfulness of Christ as evidenced in the hearts, hands, and feet of the servants of SERV.
Read more news on Poverty and Hunger and World Missions on Missions Box.
- ROI Ministry, SERV Ministry Brief
- SERV International, Official Website
- Facebook, SERV International page