In Step with Cadence International

Cadence International
Cadence International, Facebook

ENGLEWOOD, CO – Cadence International began in the prayer of a young U.S. soldier during World War II. Along with several other servicemen serving in the Philippines, Jesse Miller was a frequent visitor at the home of American missionaries Cyril and Anna Brooks, where he grew in grace and faith.

Cadence International, Facebook

The impact of his experiences at the Brooks’ home led him to pray, “Lord, if I ever have a home of my own, You can have it for servicemen.” Little did he realize at that time how prophetic that commitment would become.

The indwelling of the Word of God, memorized during his visits with the Brooks, sustained Miller through the infamous Bataan Death March and his subsequent years of imprisonment at a Japanese POW camp.

All the while, although the circumstances seemed hopeless, the Lord was preparing Miller and several other servicemen for a special ministry following the war’s conclusion. Several years after the war’s end, the Lord brought together several ex-servicemen, including Jesse Miller, at a reunion in Chicago.

At that reunion in 1954, several of the men discussed and prayed together about the concept of establishing what was then called the Overseas Christian Servicemen’s Centers. As military men are inclined to do, they operated under the acronym of OCSC, later renaming the ministry Cadence International, a ministry to the military.

Sixty-seven years later, Cadence International has grown from its family of founders to a missions organization with more than 200 staff members serving around the world in more than 60 locations.

“Cadence serves all branches of the military in stateside and overseas locations. Comprised of 1.4 million active-duty personnel, the U.S. military community has proven to be one of the largest, most responsive sub-cultures today. Cadence ministers not only to military personnel but to their spouses and dependents as well.”

Cadence strives to help people in the military to . . .

  • Gather in authentic community
  • Grow in faith and love for Jesus
  • Go more prepared to their next place of service and influence

Cadence facilities are “hospitality houses” located near American military bases. Ministries include Bible studies, worship, shared meals, outreach, discipleship, mission trips, excursions, and various activities designed to grow a healthy Christ-centered community.

Cadence’s hospitality houses typically provide not only Bible studies, mentoring, and discipleship for servicemen and women but also ministries for the children of military parents. Their parents are typically reassigned to new duty posts about every three years. Cadence offers the strength and fellowship of the Christian community for the children of military parents who also may be deployed for months at a time.

One of the themes of Cadence International’s ministries is “Home. You’re away from yours, so we’ve opened ours to you.”

The Cadence International website includes links to many of their ministries, each located near military bases and facilities. Cadence is faithfully supporting those who serve our country, leading each person to a closer walk with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

“Since 1954, we have opened our homes and our hearts to military people and their families. We want you to belong in an authentic community, grow in your relationship with Jesus, and influence your world wherever the military sends you.”

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