Thai King Endorses 20th Constitution


Photo by archer10 (Dennis)

The new Thai King endorsed the 20th Constitution of Thailand in early April.

Per Fox News, “King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun endorsed the document in an elaborate ceremony at the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall attended by senior members of the country’s military government as well as foreign diplomats.”

The military had seized control of the government three years ago until Thailand is stable enough to hold an election.

Rueters explains, “Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who took power in the 2014 coup, said Thailand was now on course to an election within the 19 months set by the constitution – although because a number of steps are involved, he cannot set an exact date.”

Citizens of Thailand will not gain any new rights or freedoms from the new constitution.

The Guardian reports, “Thailand’s prime minister, Prayuth Chan-o-cha, said the changes had ‘nothing to do with the rights and freedom of the people’.

If elections should go on, it will be the first after 12 coups by the military.

Reuters explains, “Thailand’s king signed a military-backed constitution into law on Thursday, an essential step toward an election the junta has promised will restore democracy after the 12th successful coup in little over 80 years.”

The new Constitution will give The Constitutional Court more power to impeach leaders, except for the king and military members.

Per The Guardian, “The charter is Thailand’s 20th since the end of absolute monarchy in 1932. It gives extra powers to the constitutional court, making it easier to impeach a civilian leader.”

Thailand’s new Constitution will give the military a certain number of seats in the government. Many civilians have criticized this move.

Fox News reports, “Critics say the charter — drafted by a junta-appointed panel — is undemocratic, will allow the military to keep its grip on power even after elections, and will ultimately deepen the country’s divisions. They say the charter limits the power of voters by empowering unelected bodies, creating a fully appointed senate that includes military commanders, and neutering the authority of elected officials.” New Tribes Missions seeks to share Christ’s love where it has never been heard of before. One way they do this is through literacy training in Thailand. Nit, Nut and Nim work among the illiterate in Thailand.

New Tribe Missions explains, “They want to see their people reading the Bible lessons and God’s Word for themselves.” Pray for the people of Thailand to be able to adjust to this transition and for New Tribes Missions to share Christ’s love to as many people that they can through literacy training.

Fox News: Thai king endorses country’s 20th constitution since 1932

Reuters: Thai king signs constitution in step toward poll

The Guardian: Thailand’s king signs constitution that cements junta’s grip

New Tribes Missions: Teaching Literacy Helps the Church to Reach Out



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