SYLACAUGA, AL – You’ve seen the numbers before. They are beyond our comprehension.
- 785,000,000 people have no access to clean drinking water.
- 3,600,000,000 people have no access to essential health services.
- One-third of all children suffer from malnutrition.
- 40% of the world has little or no access to the Gospel.

Why don’t we more readily respond to God’s call to bear one another’s burdens when people are suffering like this?
Some may be struggling with problems of their own that preclude them from serving. Others may not care. Still, others may envision the task as too large for a few to handle.
Yet, the Lord did not call us to do nothing. We have a responsibility to do something. Something that will help someone somewhere.
In 2021 alone, Vapor Ministries
- Made more than 363,000 Gospel impressions.
- Offered health care to more than 123,5000 people in Kenya, Haiti, and Togo.
- Provided nearly 647,000 meals for undernourished families.
- Delivered nearly 35,000,000 cups of clean water for families fighting water scarcity.
Micah McElveen became a quadriplegic in October 1995 following a surfing accident. Intense therapy helped him to regain the use of his leg and partial use of his arms and hands.
The Lord used a short-term mission trip to Africa to show Micah that there are things in life far more important than the competitive sports that had permeated his life. With the memories of nearly losing his life still fresh in Africa, he witnessed extreme poverty on a level he had neither experienced nor imagine possible.
I knew I would spend the rest of my life trying to forget what I saw or spend the rest of my life trying to do something about it. God taught me life was a Vapor when I broke my neck. God taught me His heart for the lost & least when Africa broke my heart.
By 2005, Micah had completed the initial requirements for operation a faith-based organization in which he would “Oversee the construction of the center, develop the local indigenous team that would manage operations, and set up the systems and structure that would guide the ministry into the future and allow us to.” He would name it Vapor scale Ministries.
Micah’s renewed understanding of life following his own personal tragedy gave him a different perspective not only for his own life but for others. Perhaps it is best summarized by Psalm 39:4-7.
We are granted only a vapor of time. How will we use it to glorify God?
Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, Water Scarcity and World Missions.
- Vapor Ministries, ECFA
- Vapor Ministries Official Website