In November of 2016, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace deal with the government of Colombia.
Per BBC, “The government and the Farc (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) signed a peace agreement in November, to put an end to more than 50 years of conflict.” Despite this Peace Deal, violence continued, not from FARC, but from minor anti-government and drug lord forces.
Even though FARC no longer fights against the Colombian government, there are small groups that still fight.
Press-TV reports, “Remnants of right-wing paramilitary groups and organized criminal gangs running drug trade in the region are reportedly taking advantage of the vacuum.”
Due to the widespread violence since the 60’s, thousands of people have been killed.
Sputnik International explains, “The half-century war between the FARC and the Colombian government claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.”
As for the peace deal, it seems to still be working. There have been no reports of violence between FARC and government troops.
BBC reports, “But it [the Red Cross] warns that it will take decades for Colombia to deal with the direct and indirect consequences of the conflict, including urban violence.”
The government is still doing peace talks with other leftist armed groups.
Press-TV explains, “The government has also launched formal peace talks with the remaining Colombian rebel force, the leftist National Liberation Army (ELN).”
Christoph Harnisch recognizes that change will not happen overnight but may take a long time.
Per BBC, “‘The tragedy of missing loved ones, the fear of unexploded ordnance, armed violence in urban settings, threats, the restrictions on the movements of whole communities in areas controlled by armed groups – these all point to there still being a long way to go in Colombia,’he added.”
FARC fighters were disarmed under the United Nations shortly after the Peace Treaty was agreed on.
Press-TV explains, “Under the peace deal, thousands of FARC fighters moved to demobilization zones across the country where they were disarmed under the supervision of monitors from the United Nations.
Ethnos 360 (formerly known as New Tribes Missions) works in Colombia to share Christ’s love in difficult-to-reach places. A couple had to flee one of these hard to reach places because of security issues. They could continue their work among the people. They just had to be more careful.
Per Ethnos 360, “Mark and Joyce are excited about the spiritual growth and multiplication they are seeing. Though their strategy changed, their overall vision of seeing a thriving church among the Guahibo people was being realized. And currently, they are working on a revision of the Guahibo New Testament.”
Pray for peace in Colombia. Pray also for Mark and Joyce’s work in Colombia as they work on the revision.
BBC: Colombia facing violence despite Farc deal, ICRC says
Press-TV: Colombia atrocities ongoing despite peace deal: Red Cross
Sputnik International: Violence, Displacements in Colombia Continue Despite Peace Deal – UNHCR