BOONE, NC — Every Christmas season, hundreds of thousands of Americans pack gift-filled shoeboxes for children in need around the world. Samaritan’s Purse delivers these shoebox gifts—packed with personal care items, school supplies, and fun toys—to boys and girls through its project, Operation Christmas Child. Volunteers work year-round to share God’s love in this tangible way. This year, western North Carolina families, school groups, and churches remain committed to packing thousands of shoeboxes for children in need despite the devastation and challenges left behind by Hurricane Helene.

This National Collection Week, Nov. 18–25, churches across western North Carolina, including Asheville, Spruce Pine, Lake Lure and other hard-hit areas, are opening their doors as usual to receive shoebox gifts collected in their area.
As they heal from the scars left behind by Hurricane Helene, Pastor Rocky Branch of First Baptist Church Spruce Pine said, “when people hurt, the best medicine is giving.”
First Baptist Church in Spruce Pine was determined to be a resource in their devastated community. Since the storm, they have distributed generators, clothes, and food to their neighbors. They have also served over 40,000 meals to community members in need and volunteers serving their area. While that work continues, Operation Christmas Child is now ramping up as they work to meet their goal of 1,000 shoebox gifts.
“Christ gave us the command to reach out and help others,” said Pastor Rocky Branch, “We pray over each shoebox in our church, and we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”
“It’s incredible to see the faithfulness of these churches and communities that have been through so much over the last two months,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “Despite devastation and loss in their own towns, they are working hard to bless others and share the Good News of Jesus Christ this Christmas.”
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Samaritan’s Purse set up six response locations—Asheville, Boone, and Burnsville, North Carolina; Perry, Florida; and Valdosta Georgia. Over 34,000 volunteers have served more than 4,000 homeowners by mudding out flooded homes, tarping damaged roofs, clearing debris, removing downed trees, and helping families salvage personal belongings. Additionally, the Christian relief organization coordinated the largest civilian airlift operation in U.S. history, flying critically-needed items including generators, food, heaters, medicine, and more to remote communities that were cut off due to infrastructure damage.
About Samaritan’s Purse
Based in Boone, North Carolina, Samaritan’s Purse responds to the physical and spiritual needs of individuals in crisis situations—especially in locations where few others are working. Led by President and CEO Franklin Graham, Samaritan’s Purse works in more than 100 countries to provide aid to victims of war, disease, disaster, poverty, famine and persecution. For more information, visit
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to children including many who are suffering from war, poverty, disease and disaster. Operation Christmas Child hopes to reach another 12 million children in 2024 with the hope of Jesus.
Media Opportunities
- Interview Pastor Rocky Branch in Spruce Pine, North Carolina
- Interview Denise Gravely who packed Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes by candlelight in the middle of the storm in order to feel a sense of normalcy
- On-site media opportunities may be scheduled at the Boone, NC airport. Please contact to learn more.
- Download high-res photos and broadcast-quality b-roll of the response efforts
Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, and Christmas Gift Catalog.
Source: Samaritan’s Purse International Relief, Western North Carolina Communities Rally to Give Back Through Samaritan’s Purse Project, Operation Christmas Child
Dear sir/Madam,
Prisons Mission Society has started the prayer festival and Christmas program with prisoners in the different Prisons in Pakistan. We urgent needs gifts (Toys, sweets, Soap, tooth paste, tooth brush, washing powder, towel etc.) for 10000 child prisoners, Women prisoners, juvenile prisoners and adult prisoners and their families. We are facing big financial problems due to the prices of everything are very high and prices are changing daily. The Lack of funds we are forcing pending our program with prisoners and their families and wait for provision of funds. Please pray and find a donor for monthly help to our prison ministry. Thank you.
With best regards,
Rev. Maurice Shahbaz
Founder director
Prisons Mission Society
P. O. Box 70, Gujranwala, Pakistan.
Mobile and WhatsApp: + 92-300-0470706
www. Prisons Mission Society/