SOUTH ASIA — In a heartwarming gesture of compassion, the Women’s Fellowship team from a local church in the Rautahat District in Nepal recently reached out to Musahar families with essential ration kits.

Nestled in a separate settlement within the village, 11 Musahar families face significant challenges due to poverty. Their humble abodes, constructed from low-quality timber, bamboo, mud, and hay, stand on unregistered land. Despite their hard work as daily wage earners in various sectors such as agriculture, construction, and firewood sales, they live from hand to mouth. Compounding their hardships, they bear the weight of societal marginalization, being deemed “untouchable” and subjected to exclusion from many aspects of community life.
Moved by their plight, the Women’s Fellowship team embarked on a mission to demonstrate God’s love and care for these marginalized families. Gathering essential provisions including rice, potatoes, lentils, and salt, the sisters assembled the ration kits and went door to door, delivering the much-needed supplies directly to the Musahar families. Overwhelmed with joy, the recipients expressed their heartfelt thanks to the sisters for their generosity and compassion.
About Believers Eastern Church
Believers Eastern Church is an evangelical, indigenous church movement within Asia that GFA World, as an international mission organization, works with to fulfill the Great Commission commanded by our Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
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Source: Believers Eastern Church, Women’s Fellowship Extends Support to Musahar Community in Nepal