WorldVenture: 77 Years of Making Christ Known

WorldVenture is engaging the world for gospel impact to see multitudes compelled by the love of God, willing to risk all so that people are transformed.

ENGLEWOOD, CO – The followers of Christ have had to stand in the face of onslaughts of everything from outright antagonism to subtle introductions of heresy within the church. During the 1930s and 40s, a movement of “higher criticism” began questioning the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible and historically accurate and closely-held precious beliefs such as the Virgin Birth of Christ.

Those attacks became the genesis of several associations and fellowship (incorrectly referred to as denominations) that held to an unwavering commitment to the Word of God as entirely accurate throughout, God-breathed, and the sole basis for our all aspects of life and faith. One of those associations was the Conservative Baptist Association of America, founded in 1947.

The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (CBFMS) was actually founded four years earlier, in 1943, as a means to ensure that missionaries under its supervision continued to stand without apology for the accuracy and relevance of the Bible. It did so as an ancillary organization that assisted fundamental, evangelical, Bible-believing churches to be able to send, fund, and maintain the support of missionaries of like, precious faith.

In 1994, The CBFMS changed its name to CBInternational. The name WorldVenture was adopted in 2005. Today, WorldVenture manages the support and direction of more than 500 missionaries in 65 different countries. Cooperating with local churches on every continent, WorldVenture seeks to:

  • Evangelize the lost,
  • Extend the Grace of the Lord,
  • Establish local, Bible-believing churches,
  • Equip leaders, and
  • Encourage missions.

By its own testimony, WorldVenture is:

“engaging the world for gospel impact with a vision to see multitudes of disciples compelled by the love of God and willing to risk all so that people are transformed by God, impacting their families, communities, and world.”

Among its unique ministry aspects is the WorldVenture Global Apprentice Program. Not to be mistaken as a missions trip, the Global Apprentice Program is an immersive cross-cultural ministry experience, where men and women work alongside experienced missionaries as training for a life-long ministry. One of the hallmarks of the program is really something we should all do, regardless of where we are – learn to be “an intentional Christian wherever you are.”

WorldVenture supports five international schools that offer Christian education for students from first grade all the way to a graduate-level leadership program. These schools are in addition to six Bible Schools and Seminaries located in the Philippines, Costa Rica, Bolivia, and Rwanda.

Following the Master Carpenter is a unique ministry opportunity in Bolivia that has a three-fold objective:

  1. To lead young men to Christ and disciple them in the Word and in their personal relationship with Him.
  2. To build durable and safe furniture for Bolivian orphanages.
  3. To produce quality furniture and cabinetry for sale within the country.

WorldVenture describes Following the Master Carpenter as “both a development ministry through their furniture donations to orphanages and also a Business as Mission site through their cabinetry line.”

Other areas of ministry at WorldVenture include publishing Christian literature in French, Japanese, and Portuguese; daily Christian radio broadcasts in Japan; a solar-powered, utility company in Uganda that generates electricity for homes for $2 per week; and Christian hospitals in Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire, West Borneo, and Tanzania.

These are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to the many missions ministries of WorldVenture – staying faithful to the Word, living intentionally by the Word, and taking the Word to a waiting world.

To read more news on World Missions on Missions Box, go here.


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