We found 1166 results for your search.

Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article  WILLS POINT, Texas—Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

Church Members Work to Restore Devastated Indian Coastal Fishing Communities WILLS POINT, Texas – Believers Eastern Church announced the launch of a statewide rehabilitation program for the victims of Cyclone “Ockhi” in the Indian state of Kerala. The cyclone was the most intense originating from the Arabian Sea since 2015 and the first in nearly… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram

KNIFE RIVER, MN – FARMS International has established successful agricultural evangelism programs in Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, The Philippines, Moldova, Bangladesh, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Vietnam, and the state of Nagaland in Northeast India. The organization recently announced that it is expanding its unique approach to doing good in the name of Christ to… Continue reading FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram

Turning Soap Into Clean Water

Handmade "white chocolate" soap, created and sold by woman in Washington state who gives 10% of her proceeds to ministry.

With the world facing a clean water crisis, technology companies, governments and NGOs are working to find ways to provide clean water for people in a place where clean water is either in short supply or non-existent. The United Nations even sponsors a World Water Day. While cutting-edge technology is trying exotic methods to capture… Continue reading Turning Soap Into Clean Water

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

The Danger of Rapid Economic Growth for Health Care in Developing Countries

No one would disagree with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that “Health is . . . essential to development. Good health improves learning, worker productivity, and income. As such, health contributes to economic growth.” There is a logic here. People must be healthy to be productive. Good personal and community health are necessary, not only… Continue reading The Danger of Rapid Economic Growth for Health Care in Developing Countries

Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

GFA sponsored missionaries pray for their ministries.

How should we pray for overseas missionaries and pastors? I  want to pray, but  what do they need?  This is a question that often crosses our minds when we hear of the adversity facing those who serve the Lord in areas that are volatilize and prone to hostility. Tamang is a pastor in South Asia who… Continue reading Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Will Next Chinese Bible Be the Xi Jinping Version?

BEIJING – The People’s Republic of China released a white paper today entitled, “China’s Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief.” A title like that might encourage Christians about the prospects of sharing the Gospel in mainland China. However, this may be a classic example of not judging a white paper by its… Continue reading Will Next Chinese Bible Be the Xi Jinping Version?

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International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

ALEXANDRIA – A terrorist attack on two Coptic Christian churches on Palm Sunday 2017 left more than 40 people dead and 125 injured. It also made several men, women, and children widows, widowers, and orphans. One of the deceased was Hanan Dreas, a wife and mother of two children ages six and 10. Her husband,… Continue reading International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

President Xi Jingping's communist government in China eradicated term limits in China. Source: Angélica Rivera de Peña

Chinese president, Xi Jinping, got rid of term limits, the amount of time a person can spend in office, in the People Republic of China. Once this is in place, the president is able to stay in office as long as he wants. NPR reports, “The move represents a dramatic departure from rules that have… Continue reading Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

Child’s Parents Call Surgery to Repair Hole in His Heart “A Miracle”

THIRUVALLA, KERALA, India – Believers Church Medical College Hospital gave new life to a one-year-old Indian boy and restored hope for his anxious parents when the medical staff at Believers Church Medical College Hospital (BCMCH) successfully performed a complex surgical procedure to repair a large hole in the boy’s heart. Aksar’s parents, both day laborers… Continue reading Child’s Parents Call Surgery to Repair Hole in His Heart “A Miracle”

DOOR International to Hold Sign Language Scripture Celebration in Kenya

KENYA – DOOR International and its partners will hold a Sign Language Scripture Celebration on June 9th to commemorate the rendering of Bible passages into four different African national sign languages This is not the first celebration of this kind that DOOR has been able to hold. In 2014, DOOR partners and pastors gathered to… Continue reading DOOR International to Hold Sign Language Scripture Celebration in Kenya

Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

Sukwinder was rejected by her husband and in-laws because she was only bearing girl babies, and was even pressured to abort her children. This drove her to attempt suicide. The irony is they were persecuting her because of a biological process that, from a medical perspective, she had no control of. The father is the one who contributes the genetic data the determines the sex of a baby.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the global problem of violence against women Written By Michelle Jimenez, GFA Staff Writer Geeta, a mother of two, lived in the slums and struggled to put food on the table every day with the meager 20 rupees her husband gave her. That amount equaled less than… Continue reading Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

[Update] Cape Town Defers Day Zero to 2019 – Why?

CAPE TOWN – Officials have deferred what was once considered the impending Day Zero for Cape Town water supplies from July 11th until an undetermined date in 2019. The news has left the public and much of the news media scratching their heads and wondering why. As far as anyone can tell, nothing has changed.… Continue reading [Update] Cape Town Defers Day Zero to 2019 – Why?

Kazakh Woman Not Guilty of Illegal Missionary Activity

SHYMKENT, Kazakhstan – A Christian Kazak woman who had been charged with “illegal missionary activity” was acquitted on 13 March by the South Kazakhstan Regional Court. Her illegal activity? Showing another woman how to download a Bible app on her smartphone. The woman for whom she downloaded the app then file a complaint with the… Continue reading Kazakh Woman Not Guilty of Illegal Missionary Activity

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5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s really an odd holiday because very few people understand that man whose name the day is supposed to commemorate. In fact, the day is, for many, a celebration more than a commemoration. Ask the average person on the street what St. Patrick did, and they will likely tell… Continue reading 5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

World Water Watch: India Citizens Saving Gottigere Lake

BANGALORE – There is not always something that local citizens can do to remedy the problem of polluted water. However, residents of Bangalore who live alongside Gottigere Lake have banded together to reclaim the polluted water and return the lake to its once-pristine condition. In view of World Water Day on March 22nd, here is… Continue reading World Water Watch: India Citizens Saving Gottigere Lake

The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

For most who read this article, the thought of water evokes images in the mind of a thirst-quenching drink. If we spend a few minutes pondering the world of water, we might think about idyllic, picturesque lakes and streams. Some will think of water’s life-giving qualities. Those who are familiar with the Bible might reflect… Continue reading The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

Many Christians in the past have escaped Syria. Now the Church is growing in the country. Source: Jan Smith.

Syrian Christians are part of one of the oldest churches in the world. They used to be one of the major political forces in Syria , until ISIS started coming after Christians because they believe in an all Islamic state, also known as a Caliphate. BBC explains, “The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled… Continue reading Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

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Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the Open Defecation Sanitation Crisis Written By Karen Burton Mains For much of my adult life, it has been my privilege to hang out with the “renegades” of Christian missions, that relief-and-development crowd that rushes to help during natural disasters, struggles to alleviate the suffering and abasement… Continue reading Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

Sarvajal Builds Clean Water ATMs in India

AHMEDABAD – The United Nations’ World Water Report for 2015 said, “Problems of poverty are, on most occasions, inextricably linked with those of water – its availability, its proximity, its quantity, and its quality.” Piramal Sarvajal is a mission-driven social enterprise dedicated designing, manufacturing and providing clean, safe sources of drinking water for communities across… Continue reading Sarvajal Builds Clean Water ATMs in India

South Africa Day Zero Water Crisis – An Interview

PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa – The world has been watching as the possibility that Cape Town and other cities in South Africa have been preparing for Day Zero when their public supply of potable water will no longer be available. Amid the preparations, residents are taking mandated precautions to avoid the impending disaster. Many are… Continue reading South Africa Day Zero Water Crisis – An Interview

[Update] Cape Town Water Crisis ‘Day Zero’ Moved Back 5 Weeks to July 9th

CAPE TOWN (28 February 2018) – For the second time in a month, the feared Day Zero for the water supply for Cape Town has been moved back. In our previous article on the South African water crisis published on February 16, we reported that Day Zero – the day when Cape Town would no… Continue reading [Update] Cape Town Water Crisis ‘Day Zero’ Moved Back 5 Weeks to July 9th

5 Women Killed in Russian Church Shooting

A gunman from ISIS shot at a congregation, killing five women. Source: Txllxt TxllxT

On Sunday, members of a Russian Orthodox church were celebrating the start of Lent when a gunman opened fire on the congregation. Fox News reports, “The shooting unfolded outside a church in Kizlyar, a town of about 50,000 people on the border with Chechnya. The Russian news agency TASS cited Svetlana Petrenko of the Investigative… Continue reading 5 Women Killed in Russian Church Shooting

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SOAR Reaches Russian Orphans with Easter Gift Baskets

KENAI, Alaska – In partnership with local Russian evangelical churches, SOAR International is planning to distribute Easter gift baskets to orphaned children in Far Eastern Russia in Communities across the Bering Sea from Nome, Alaska. SOAR (Service & Outreach Alaska to Russia) began its ministries to Russian in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, but now has… Continue reading SOAR Reaches Russian Orphans with Easter Gift Baskets

Tragedy in Mozambique

HULENE, MAPUTO, Mozambique – At least 17 people died, and numerous others are missing following the collapse of garbage landfill in Mozambique. Many of the dead had been residing in a slum village at the lower perimeter of the garbage pile that is three-stories tall. Early reports include accounts of failed attempts to close the… Continue reading Tragedy in Mozambique

Adoniram Judson (1788 – 1850)

“There is no success without sacrifice. If you succeed without sacrifice it is because someone has suffered before you. If you sacrifice without success it is because someone will succeed after.” – Edward Judson, son of Adoniram Adoniram Judson likely would never be considered as the poster boy for promoting missionary work. He might be… Continue reading Adoniram Judson (1788 – 1850)

Christians Putting Soul Into the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

PYEONGCHANG – “Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.” – I Corinthians 9:25 Thousands of athletes from around the world are competing in the global spotlight of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. All of them… Continue reading Christians Putting Soul Into the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

Christian Group Tearfund Building Earthquake-Resilient Homes in Nepal

KATMANDU – At four minutes before noon on April 25, 2015, Nepal was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake with its epicenter about 48 miles northwest of the capital city of Katmandu. It was the worst natural disaster to hit Nepal in more than 80 years and the deadliest day in the region’s recorded history.… Continue reading Christian Group Tearfund Building Earthquake-Resilient Homes in Nepal

Missionaries Reaching Chinese – In Zimbabwe!

PHOENIX, Arizona – Just when they thought that they had established church planting efforts in all of the unreached groups in Zimbabwe, leaders of the global missions group, ZimZam, attended a Finishing the Task conference sponsored by the Alliance for the Unreached. ZimZam was established with a vision “to see every people group in the… Continue reading Missionaries Reaching Chinese – In Zimbabwe!

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4 Staff Members Dead after Attack on Save the Children Afghanistan Offices

JALALABAD – An ISIS extremist group has claimed responsibility for an attack on the offices of Save the Children in Jalalabad on Wednesday, January 24. The humanitarian aid organization that services nearly 1.4 million children in Afghanistan has temporarily suspended most of its operations in all of its 16 Afghan provincial offices in the interest… Continue reading 4 Staff Members Dead after Attack on Save the Children Afghanistan Offices

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Missionaries or Ambassadors

The Western world has traditionally held the word “missionary” in high esteem, largely unaware that leaders of Eastern nations have often regarded the idea skepticism. That skepticism has grown over the past century, following the end of World War I and, even more so, since the end of the Second World War. Why the disparity?… Continue reading Missionaries or Ambassadors

Mission India Celebrates 40th Anniversary

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan – A visit to India in 1971 led John DeVries to pray, “God, I will serve you anywhere you want. Just, please, don’t send me back here again.” At the time, DeVries did not realize that what he was seeing was the Lord’s way of opening John’s eyes and heart to the… Continue reading Mission India Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Trump Administration Extends FEMA Aid to Texas Churches

By Greg Henshall from FEMA photo library - public domain via Wikimedia Commons

By Greg Henshall from FEMA photo library – public domain via Wikimedia Commons WASHINGTON, DC – The Trump Administration has revised the language in FEMA Relief Fund rules to include local churches. The action follows a lawsuit filed by three Texas churches damaged during Hurricane Harvey. The three Houston-area churches filed a complaint in federal… Continue reading Trump Administration Extends FEMA Aid to Texas Churches

K. P. Yohannan

Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is… Continue reading K. P. Yohannan

Breaking the Cycle of Prison for Abandoned Sierra Leone Children

Wikimedia Commons, TKnoxB

Wikimedia Commons, TKnoxB FREETOWN, Sierra Leone – Crossroads Prison Ministries International provides resources, training, and support for ministry leaders in over 20 countries across the globe, to help share God’s love to the imprisoned people in their respective countries. “In developing countries, deplorable prison conditions present added challenges. Severe overcrowding, limited food rations, poor sanitation,… Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Prison for Abandoned Sierra Leone Children

Churches in Algeria Express Concern Over Inspections

ALGIERS, Algeria (Middle Eastern Concern/ SIGHT) – Three believers were arrested in Chlef, 200 km north-west of Algiers, during the third week of December. They were visiting from Tizi Ouzou and had arranged to meet a contact at a café. Police entered the café, found they were in possession of Christian literature, and took them… Continue reading Churches in Algeria Express Concern Over Inspections

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18 States Increase Minimum Wage for 2018

Nearly 80 million people in the U.S. workforce are paid on an hourly basis. About 700,000 who are currently paid the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour will be getting an increase as 18 states raise their minimum wage effective January 1, 2018. Minimum Wage Increase The federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 since… Continue reading 18 States Increase Minimum Wage for 2018

Indonesia’s Christmas Gifts for Christians

JAKARTA, Indonesia – The Indonesian government extended protection for Christians throughout the country and reduced jail sentences for Christians currently confined in penal institutions. Over 180,000 officers were deployed by the National Police and Indonesian Military (TNI) to protect Christians as they gathered to celebrate the birth of Christ. Reports indicate that believers were able… Continue reading Indonesia’s Christmas Gifts for Christians

The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]

The Church tries to build healthy communities in impoverished areas, often times through hand-outs or one time gifts that do not help families out of poverty. By providing work opportunities, the Church can build communities and help eradicate poverty. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) are most often supported by the Church and its congregants in such a… Continue reading The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]

FBOs offer Women in India Hope Despite News of Recent Rape and Murder of 6-Year-Old Girl

People protested a rape that happened in 2012.

On Dec. 8, a 6-year-old girl was abducted while she slept beside her family. In the minutes that followed her abduction, she was brutally raped and murdered. It wasn’t until the next morning that her mom noticed she was missing. The rape and murder came as a shock to everyone in India, as she was… Continue reading FBOs offer Women in India Hope Despite News of Recent Rape and Murder of 6-Year-Old Girl

Religious group serving the community where it resides

Gospel for Asia staff in the Fellowship Hall on GFA's campus

Gospel for Asia (GFA) moved its offices from Carrollton, Texas to Wills Point, Texas in Kaufman a few years ago. This moved placed the nonprofit ministry on a campus where staff and people helping to fulfill the mission of Gospel for Asia can be housed. Gospel for Asia (GFA) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit with… Continue reading Religious group serving the community where it resides

Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India

Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan visits a GFA-supported Children's Home in Delhi, India

Last month, Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan visited the children’s home supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) in Delhi, India. The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Children’s Home offers street children shelter, food, and education. Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan spent his time visiting with the children at the homes. There were laughs and hugs. Yohannan met a… Continue reading Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India

More than 300 People Dead in Deadly Mosque Attack

An Egyptian city.

On Nov. 24, a mosque in Ismaila, Egypt, was filled with Sufi Muslim worshipers. All the sudden, while they were saying their Friday prayers, an Islamic extremist came in started shooting at people. They didn’t stop until they thought everybody was dead. There were over 300 people who died from the shooting. Abdel Fattah el… Continue reading More than 300 People Dead in Deadly Mosque Attack

Secretary of State Tillerson Asks for Investigation on Rohingya

Houses of the Rohingya have been burnt down by the military.

The United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Aung San Suu Kyi, the current leader of Myanmar, on Nov. 15 to discuss the plight of the Rohingya, a people group of Myanmar that has been persecuted by the military for being illegal aliens. There are currently more than 600,000 Rohingyas that have fled… Continue reading Secretary of State Tillerson Asks for Investigation on Rohingya

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Somalia Drought

Photo by Oxfam East Africa The country of Somalia is in a drought. In a 48-hour period, over 100 people died from hunger. Per Fox News, “Somalia’s prime minister says 110 people have died from hunger in the past 48 hours in a single region as a severe drought threatens millions of people across the… Continue reading Somalia Drought

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