International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) in Hampton recently approved its 8,000th building project to assist Christians in difficult areas. With a vision to establish a healthy church within walking distance of everyone in the world, the 33-year-old charity is currently operating in 91 countries.

HAMPTON, VA — International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) in Hampton recently approved its 8,000th building project to assist Christians in difficult areas. With a vision to establish a healthy church within walking distance of everyone in the world, the 33-year-old charity is currently operating in 91 countries. The 8,000th church project will provide hope for one of Egypt’s…

Christian school leaders convene next month to look for ways to continue offering distinctive, faith-based education in a post-religious world.

Worldwide gathering in San Antonio Jan. 30-Feb. 1 to tackle ‘challenges and opportunities’ facing private Christian school movement COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Global leaders in the private Christian school community are convening next month to look for ways to reshape their movement and continue offering distinctive, faith-based education in an increasingly pluralistic and post-religious world. Around 1,000…

the American Law and Justice Center (ACLJ) published a petition to release John Cao, a U.S. pastor imprisoned in China on fabricated organizing illegal border crossing charges.

WASHINGTON – On November 15, 2018, the American Law and Justice Center (ACLJ) published a petition to release John Cao, a U.S. pastor imprisoned in China on fabricated organizing illegal border crossing charges. Cao, whose family resides in North Carolina, was arrested by Chinese officials in March 2017 as he crossed the border between Myanmar…

If any of us had been in Paradise prior to the fire and known the way to escape, we would have warned others and shown them the way. Not everyone would have listened, but some would have.

PARADISE, CA – “Workers fanned out across the cinders, looking for those who didn’t escape the inferno that transformed this town into a wasteland.” That was the lead-in of a Daily Beast article about the California wildfire that destroyed the town of Paradise, California. The fire came upon the people so quickly that there was…

International Day for the Unreached organizers emphasize need for whole church to respond to Jesus’ Great Commission COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – United by a single goal, the champions of missions to the unreached follow a wide range of paths in taking the gospel to those who have yet to hear of Jesus. The breadth of…

LA PAZ, Bolivia – Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales Ayma, addressed a national television audience on January 21st, following protestations by representatives of the country’s National Association of Evangelicals opposed to a section of a new penal code that would have made it a crime to evangelize. Section 88.11 of the code stated, “whoever recruits, transports,…


After a wave of gruesome violence that included hacking victims to death, the Bangladesh government has arrested more than 11,000 people. Among those arrested were 150 members of Jama’atul Mujahedin Bangladesh, an Islamist group that the country had previously banned. The targeted victims include Hindus, Christians, Sufi Muslims, activists and foreigners. The group’s actions have…

“I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.” ― Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Introduction It was a stormy night on…