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Canton Tornados

  Photo by OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) In late April, a series of tornados hit Canton, TX and the surrounding area. Canton is a town 60 miles East of Dallas. WFAA 8 ABC reports, “As emergency crews continue rescue and recovery efforts, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott surveyed areas ravaged by a series of tornadoes,… Continue reading Canton Tornados

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Iraqi refugees return home

Photo by Christiaan Briggs Iraqi refugees have returned to their homes in the Nineveh region. Yet, what they discovered deeply grieved them. According to Fox News, “There were gasps, followed by tears at a small church in northern Iraq as a group of Christians returned to their parish Sunday to find that everything had been… Continue reading Iraqi refugees return home

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Islamic State Lost Almost a Quarter of its Territory in 2016

By Nadavspi In-between the beginning of 2016 and the end, a land a little smaller than the state of Florida was recaptured by Iraqi and Syrian forces. Per Newsweek, “This means ISIS lost control of almost 18,000 square kilometers (6,900 square miles) over the last 12 months, bringing the totality of the landmass it holds… Continue reading Islamic State Lost Almost a Quarter of its Territory in 2016

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Yemen facing the ravages of war and malnourishment

  By Bernard Gagnon (Own work) Since the war hit Yemen, there has been a rising amount of poverty and malnutrition in the country. AP reports, “International agencies have classified Hodeidah among nine of Yemen’s 22 provinces that are a step away from famine. A U.N. report in June said that in Yemen, ‘the highest… Continue reading Yemen facing the ravages of war and malnourishment

St. Mark’s Coptic Church Bombed

  By Athanasius 77 In December, just a few weeks before Christmas, a Coptic Church in Cairo was bombed. At first, the authorities had no idea who was responsible for the attacks. According to Fox News, “The Islamic State [ISIS] claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed 25 people. They also alleged that the… Continue reading St. Mark’s Coptic Church Bombed

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Save the Children: Girls under 15 marry every seven seconds

More than 700 million women living today entered into forced marriages as children under the age of 18, according to a landmark report by Save the Children called Every Last Girl. The current rate of marriage worldwide for girls under 15 is one every seven seconds. These teenaged and pre-teenaged girls are not falling in… Continue reading Save the Children: Girls under 15 marry every seven seconds

WHO certifies Sri Lanka as malaria-free

The World Health Organization (WHO) certified in September that the island nation of Sri Lanka off the southeast coast of India is malaria-free. Sri Lanka joins a list of 33 nations that have achieved that status, while 94 nations and territories still have malaria transmission. “It was a hard fight, [but] this is an example… Continue reading WHO certifies Sri Lanka as malaria-free

Russia’s abortion bans to remember Biblical ‘slaughter of the innocents’ for one day

On January 11, there was an abortion ban headed by the Russian Orthodox Church. According to LifeSite, “The Russian Orthodox Church diocese in the city of Yaroslavl declared 11 January a ‘day of silence without abortions’, and said it had the support of the region’s health department. Abortion is legal in Russia and the cost… Continue reading Russia’s abortion bans to remember Biblical ‘slaughter of the innocents’ for one day

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Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction

ALEPPO, Syria – A weeklong ceasefire came to a violent end as government-directed airstrikes pummeled the city. The attacks targeted a United Nations humanitarian convoy in rebel-held neighborhoods, killing at least 12 workers, while continued strikes killed another 70 and destroyed the city’s water station. The violence in late September heightened tensions between the United… Continue reading Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction

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Syrians turn to Christ in the midst of civil war

In the midst of a devastating civil war, Christian ministries continue to report thousands of Syrians are turning to faith in Christ. Numerous Christian groups and relief organizations are on the scene serving the Syrian war victims, and their work is having a dramatic impact. Indigenous missionaries are working up to 15 hours a day,… Continue reading Syrians turn to Christ in the midst of civil war

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Earthquake kills hundreds in rural Italy

The people of central Italy awakened to discover that a 6.2-magnitude earthquake had killed 247 people overnight, according to Italy’s Civil Protection Department. The temblor occurred 6.2 miles southeast of Norcia at 3:36 a.m. local time, as reported by CNN. Tremors awakened residents as far away as Rome, 100 miles southwest of the epicenter. An… Continue reading Earthquake kills hundreds in rural Italy

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Iraqis flee Fallujah to escape ISIS battles with government forces

More than 84,000 Iraqis left their possessions, businesses and schools to live without shelter in 115-degree desert heat and sandstorms as ISIS assaulted Fallujah. ISIS forces controlling Fallujah defended their siege with bullets, bombs and children as coalition backed Iraqi forces fought to regain the city. The Islamic extremists used the estimated 20,000 Iraqi children… Continue reading Iraqis flee Fallujah to escape ISIS battles with government forces

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ISIS car bombings in Baghdad kill nearly 100 people

Sunni ISIS terrorists recently unleashed terror attacks on Shia neighborhoods and markets in Baghdad, bombing and killing nearly 100 people and injuring more than 160. The attacks began when a car bomber pulled up in a crowded Shiite market, apparently to deliver produce. The driver ran from the vehicle before it exploded. Two other explosions… Continue reading ISIS car bombings in Baghdad kill nearly 100 people

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