GREENVILLE, SC — America’s leading faith-based adventure group for boys has launched a new campaign to get young people out into the “great outdoors” — and inspire them to become the next “Greatest Generation.” Trail Life USA ( — a boys adventure organization with 30,000 members in troops across all 50 states — aims to help boys rise above challenges like COVID-19, with locally-held special events across the country this fall.

The organization — endorsed by Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, and faith-based movie makers Alex and Stephen Kendrick — has set up a portal online at so parents can connect with their nearest troop and find out about safe outdoor opportunities this fall.
The organization’s ramp-up comes at a time when many schools, activities and summer camps have shut down due to COVID-19 — leaving many pent up indoors.
“With many outdoor activities and sports canceled, it’s so important for parents to help their boys find other safe and creative ways to get out of the house and burn up some energy in positive ways,” said Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life USA.
‘Courage and Perseverance’
The challenge of COVID-19 provides opportunities for parents to teach their boys courage and perseverance — qualities shown by “The Greatest Generation” that endured the Great Depression and World War II, Hancock said.
“We can use this period of trial to help our boys develop into young men with the grit and character of the Greatest Generation,” said Hancock. “We aim to use this pandemic to instill a never-give-up attitude in our boys in responsible, practical ways — developing skills they’ll need to succeed in life and the world outside.”
A recent article in TIME magazine said being penned up indoors is having a negative drain on children’s mental health, increasing episodes of depression and anxiety.
Outdoor adventure is a powerful antidote to mental health struggles, said Hancock.
“COVID-19 could be with us for months — even years,” he said. “But, for the health and betterment of our boys, let’s rise above the pandemic and find safe, fun, and creative ways to get them out into the great outdoors, where they can grow into young men of true character.”
Troops meet at local churches, and programs include opportunities to hike, kayak, and explore nature.
Parents interested in learning about local troop activities this fall can go to
About Trail Life USA
With troops operating in local churches across the U.S., Trail Life USA ( is a Christian character development organization, empowering boys and young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Trail Life USA has more than 30,000 members in 830-plus troops across all 50 states.
CONTACT: Matti Stevenson, 719-360-0586,
Read more news on Children’s Ministry and the Coronavirus Outbreak on Missions Box.
GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus
- Christian News Wire, Adventure Group Aims to Inspire Boys to Become Next ‘Greatest Generation’
- Trail Life USA, Official Website