Baptize California Announces Statewide Water Baptism Event, Aims for Largest Synchronized Baptism in History

Huntington Beach, Ca — Hundreds of churches partnered with Baptize California to host baptisms across the state of California, with the largest at beachside in Huntington Beach, California.

After last year’s successful Baptize SoCal event, which brought together 280 churches and baptized over 4,100 people on May 18, 2023, at Pirate’s Cove in Corona del Mar, California, this year, Baptize California onboarded numerous churches across the state of California to host unified baptism events on Sunday, May 19th, 2024, with the goal of witnessing the largest synchronized water baptism in history.

Baptize California Prepares for Statewide Water Baptism Event, Aims for Largest Synchronized Baptism in HistoryThe Baptize California organization prepared churches across the state to host a baptism event after their last scheduled service on the 19th, capturing data and media to send to the central team. This information will be on display almost immediately during the afternoon and evening of the headquartered event in Huntington Beach. Event attendees can watch California unify under hundreds and thousands of people professing their faith in Jesus in the middle of worship, prayer, and water baptisms in the ocean.

Pastor Mark Francey of Oceans Church, the host of the event, said, “God has more in store for California, as evident in the increasing resurgence and spiritual hunger among individuals and churches in the state, fostering a sense of unity and promoting widespread spiritual awakening.” Francey concluded, “God is not done with America, and we are convinced that if we can unite the Church and turn fully back to Jesus, He will heal our land.”

Baptize California’s latest water baptism event was Sunday, May 19th, 2024. It will continue to be a multi-church gathering. Francey shares, “We invited churches across California to participate for free, hosting a Baptize California baptism event at their campus on Sunday, May 19th.” Churches that wanted to join or get involved were welcome to sign up to participate. For additional information about Baptize California and its upcoming events or to sign up to host a Baptize California baptism at your church, please visit or contact them via email at

Follow Baptize California on social media on Instagram and Facebook @baptize.california. For media inquiries and interviews, please contact Kelly Bennett at

About Baptize California

Baptize California is a collaborative baptism movement that brings together churches across California to allow individuals to be water baptized and publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ. The organization aims to foster spiritual awakening and unity among the people and churches in California.

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