Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day

WILLS POINT, Texas – The United Nations has set aside June 23rd of each year as International Widows Day “as an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows.

According to the UN, “It has been estimated that there are some 258 million widows around the world, with over 115 million of them living in deep poverty and stigmatized by shame in some cultures.”

While the UN is working on a long-term solution to ease the plight of widows, Gospel for Asia (GFA), through the Believers Eastern Church, is committed to ministering to the widows in our areas of influence throughout South Asia on a continuing basis. Although we recognize and observe International Widows Day, it is a day like every other day for the Sisters of Compassion and others engaged in the BEC Women’s Ministry.

Dr. KP Yohannan has, on this day, extends his appreciation to all our GFA’s ministry partners, staff, and our supported workers in the field for their selfless dedication to the widows who are counted among “the least of these.”

A typical day of ministry for the Sisters of Compassion and BEC’s Women’s Ministry workers to widows means caring for their individual and collective needs whether in remote villages, in the slums of major cities, in widows’ enclaves or in leper colonies.

Yohannan said, “By God’s grace and your faithful support and service, we are able to provide clothing, food, mosquito nets, sewing machines, hygiene products, and even umbrellas and other provisions. We hope to share with you in the coming days, stories of some of the widows’ lives that were blessed because of the love of Jesus shared by you every day.”

About Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church is a Christian denomination Biblical and evangelical in faith, apostolic in origin, universal in nature, ecumenical in outlook, and has a constitutional episcopacy for governance. The Church at present has 22 Bishops giving spiritual and administrative leadership in the service of God and humanity.

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