WILLS POINT, TX — As devastating water scarcity continues to ravage parts of South India, faith-based agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) and its Founder KP Yohannan report that “Jesus Wells” they help support are pumping lifesaving water for thousands of desperate families in the drought-stricken Chennai region.
The wells, located in the communities on the outskirts of the megacity Chennai, India, are quenching the thirst of 2,000 people a day, under the supervision of Gospel for Asia-supported local pastors. Across South Asia, these unique Jesus Wells provide a reliable supply of clean water for thousands of remote villages, where people used to have to trek miles on foot every day to dirty watering holes or rivers. In 2018, Gospel for Asia (GFA) helped drill over 4,000 clean water wells. More than 500 million people living in India are impacted by acute water shortage caused by drought, according to a report on August 6 by BBC News. For GFA’s special report on the global water crisis, go to www.gfa.org/press/water-crisis.
“In the midst of this dire situation, Jesus Wells are proving to be absolute lifesavers,” said Gospel for Asia (GFA) founder, Dr. KP Yohannan. “GFA and our partners drill deep. They’re truly wells of living water — and they’re showing people that God is faithful, and that He really does care about them.”

Megacity ‘Runs Dry’
Chennai, formerly Madras — India’s sixth biggest city and the capital of Tamil Nadu state — has essentially run out of water. With monsoon rains failing to arrive, the megacity’s four major reservoirs have dried up and wells have run dry, leaving nine million people largely dependent on water shipped in by trucks and trains.
With no immediate end to the water shortages in sight, Chennai is now considered one of the world’s most significant urban water crises in recent years, says BBC News, citing a new report by the U.S.-based World Resources Institute. Desperate residents are pinning their hopes on monsoon rains in October.
India — prone to cycles of devastating drought and severe flooding — is one of 17 countries where the World Resources Institute ranks water stress “extremely high,” the BBC reports.
Jesus Wells Saving Lives
Costing an average of $1,400 per well and often maintained by local volunteers, Jesus Wells are built to last for decades and display a plaque in the local language, quoting Jesus from the Gospel of John 4:13–14.
“We praise God that the Jesus Wells are giving life-saving water to thousands of people in the midst of this current crisis,” Yohannan said.
About Gospel for Asia
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2019, Gospel for Asia (GFA) is a leading faith-based mission agency, bringing vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially to those who have yet to hear the “good news” of Jesus Christ. In GFA’s latest yearly report, this included more than 70,000 sponsored children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities, over 4,000 clean water wells drilled, over 11,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 200,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry. For all the latest news, visit our Press Room at https://press.gfa.org/news.
Media interested in interviews with Gospel For Asia should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or gwooding@
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Source: Christian News Wire, As India’s Water Shortage Worsens, Gospel for Asia-supported ‘Jesus Wells’ Serve Thousands
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