ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) enters its 50th year of ministry with celebration and excitement for what’s to come. “I am humbled by what God has done in these past 50 years,” said FCBH president and co-founder Jerry Jackson.
“He gave us a mission so many years ago and continues to bring us strong people and technology to complete it.”
Now recognized as a global leader in recording and Oral Bible Translation technology, Faith Comes By Hearing had humble beginnings in the New Mexico desert in 1972. Jerry and Anet Jackson continued their walk of faith, obeying direction from the Lord by starting a ministry to “bring [His] Church together and make disciples.” They called it “Hosanna” and started a Christian cassette tape-lending library. “God desires His Word to cover the world as the waters cover the sea,” Jackson explained. “Anet and I took on this mission—to ‘Get God’s Word to every person’—as our life mission.”

Faith Comes By Hearing partners with the worldwide translation community and hundreds of other like-minded ministries to ensure everyone on Earth has access to the Gospel in a format they can understand. The movement, known as “Vision 2033,” seeks to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission by the year 2033.
In partnership, Faith Comes By Hearing created cutting-edge Oral Bible Translation recording software that significantly streamlines the difficult and tedious process of recording Scripture. Find out more about these innovative technologies here. As of January 1, Scripture recordings are available in nearly 1,600 languages.

Faith Comes By Hearing partnered with the LUMO Project in 2018 to adapt Gospel Films in all languages that have Audio Bibles, and now celebrates the release of Gospel Films in more than 1,000 languages and counting.
Watch a portion of the 1,000th Gospel Film adaptation here: Gospel of Luke in Senga.
For more information about Faith Comes By Hearing, visit
About Faith Comes By Hearing
FCBH produces God’s Word in audio for the 1.5 billion people who still haven’t heard it in their heart language. FCBH and ministry partners envision everyone having Scripture in their language by the year 2033. Vision 2033 will freely provide a New Testament (or more) recording in the heart language of 99% of the world, at least a portion of Scripture for the remaining 1%, and at least one Gospel Film in the language of everyone. Learn more at
CONTACT: Deana Day, 479-644-2756,
Read more news on Non-Profit / Faith-Based Organizations, and the Bible on Missions Box.
- Christian Newswire, Faith Comes By Hearing Kicks Off 50th Year of Proclaiming God’s Word
- Faith Comes By Hearing, Official Website
I visited your ministry several years ago with Rosemary Goode director of Evangelical Release Time Education in
Oakland California. Rosemary has gone home with the Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to hear from you.