Family’s Life Changed When Their “Miracle Boy” Got a Wheelchair in the Philippines

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — When Jacob was born he couldn’t breath and was declared dead. But his parents prayed and ten minutes later he started breathing, so they called him their miracle boy.

Now 7-years-old Jacob has cerebral palsy and his family had no access to a wheelchair.

But through the Joni and Friends Wheels for the World program, Jacob’s family was dramatically changed when they provided a wheelchair for him.

David SmithRegional Operation Director, Joni and Friends:

I had the privilege of meeting Jacob, his dad Julius, and his mom Katrina this afternoon.

Jillian HaddenrigOccupational Therapist O.T.D., O.T.R.:

Jacob is a young boy. He is seven years old and he came in with his mom and dad.


Apparently when Jacob was born, he was not breathing.


He was declared dead and she started praying to God and he did end up breathing 10 minutes later.


And because of that, they call Jacob their miracle baby.


Jacob has athetoid cerebral palsy.


The chair that was chosen for Jacob is one of our new Cub chairs. The Cub chair is a marvelous tool, extremely versatile, easy to tailor to the needs of the recipient. So we were able to rather quickly fit Jacob to this chair in a way that made him comfortable so that his life and his mobility is much more enjoyable.


With the chair, he will be able to participate in school that table there so he’s able to draw, learn to write, play with toys, interact with his peers. I hope that this chair allows Jacob and his family to do the activities that he wants to do so he can be as independent as possible.


Jacob’s dad Julius. I asked him if he had some mechanical abilities. He said yes and he was watching intently as I was making minor changes and then when it was his turn to demonstrate that he knew how to do it, he did it with great skill and great ease, that’s going to make it so much better on this family because when they have to use public transportation, the chair folds up and breaks down and dad can do that quickly and efficiently and easily.


My hope for Jacob is that this chair allows him to be as independent as possible and participate in activities that he desires.


My prayer for this family is that first and foremost, after hearing the gospel, that they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, that they’ll get tied into our church partners here in the Philippines, grow in their walk with Christ, but then in addition to all of that, as they love and raise Jacob, that this chair will grow with them and be there for years to come to help make their son’s life and their life much easier for receiving this gift.

Read more news on Faith Based / Non Profit Organizations, Disability, Christian Ministry and Compassion Services on Missions Box.

About Joni and Friends

For 40 years, Joni and Friends has provided the hope of the Gospel and practical resources to people affected by disability around the globe. Ministry programs include Wheels for the World, Family Retreats, the Christian Institute on Disability, and church ministry training. Joni and Friends also delivers inspirational media such as the Joni and Friends radio program and podcasts. To find out more, please visit

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