COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — In the United States, 24 million children live in homes without fathers, including 78% of African American children and 46% of Anglo-American children. This epidemic of fatherlessness, and the resulting “Father Wounds” are addressed in a revolutionary way by Promise Keepers with a new e-course entitled “Ending the Cycle of Father Wounds.” The e-course is aimed to equip men of all ages with the tools and resources to restore the wounds they have been left with from their fathers, step-dads or the father figures in their lives, and how to be proactive and careful to not pass these onto their own children or families.

“Father Wounds” is an umbrella term that describes the hurt and scars inflicted by a father or father figure, whether intentional or not, and whether continuous or occasional. Father Wounds are often the lack of emotional engagement, harsh or absent words, lack of expressed love and pride, or criticism.
The e-course addresses compelling questions such as:
- How does one effectively deal with forgiving Father Wounds?
- How do you practice Scripture’s command to “Honor your father” if there have been Father Wounds?
- How do you restore ruptured relationships? And how can you control the outcome?
- How do you prevent causing Father Wounds, if you experienced them yourself?
- How do you establish boundaries in toxic relationships and address the challenges?
- How do you make wise choices about the future and future relationships?
“Ending the Cycle of Father Wounds” is being released in conjunction with Promise Keepers’ 14-Day Fatherhood Challenge that kicks off on November 10 with a FREE one-hour LIVE streaming event on Facebook and YouTube.
Promise Keepers CEO Ken Harrison states, “It was important to us to build this timely course for men because to a boy, a father’s voice is the most powerful and influential. The same is true for its absence. As men, we are born with a built-in longing for our father’s affection and approval. When a boy doesn’t receive it, the devastation can last a lifetime. We want to help stop the cycle of devastation in as many men’s lives as we can reach.”
Scripture states, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger,” but many fathers have done exactly that, causing a man to grow up with wounds that are both spiritual and psychological. The “Ending the Cycle of Father Wounds” e-course, accessible via the app (available free in both Google Play and Apple App Stores), is built on the strength of author Dr. Bob Reccord’s experience of ministering to thousands of men and addresses both aspects. Bob has been a keynote speaker for Promise Keepers and is very insightful on helping men deal with the issues“below the surface” in their lives, which so often trip life up. Father wounds are a perfect example of such hidden dangers in today’s families.
The e-course segment titles are:
- Father’s Rock!
- Wounded Warrior
- Taking a Personal Examination
- Why So Many Wounded and Why So Many Wounds?
- Fathers in Search of Solidity and Significance
- What Every Child Needs in a Dad
- A Word from the Front Row Seats, Ever Rupture Needs to be Restored
- The Miracle of Forgiveness
- God States His Expectation
- “What Do You Mean Honor Your Father? He Doesn’t Deserve It”
- Choosing to Recover—the Pathway to Peace
- Key Steps to Finding Closure
- The Choice is Yours
As Promise Keepers, friend and speaker Dr. Tony Evans states, “Never underestimate your role as a father. Remember, dads, that your children’s view of God will largely be dependent on their view of you.”
About Promise Keepers
Founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers is one of the most significant movements of God in the history of the church. In 1997 alone, Promise Keepers packed 22 NFL stadiums and gathered 1 million men for Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men at the National Mall in the District of Columbia.
Today, PK is on the move again. Under the new leadership of Ken Harrison, we’re praying for massive revival and transformation in our nation by 2025. More than ever, America needs a revival of godly men. Our nation faces problems that can only be overcome when men of integrity — promise-keeping men — fulfill their destinies as godly husbands, fathers and leaders.
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