
  CC BY 2.5, Scores of Cubans recently fled the island nation on chartered flights to Central and South America, then trekked across Mexico to reach El Paso, Texas. The refugees were fleeing the repressive Cuban government en route to the U.S. where federal law treats them as legal immigrants. The Texas Tribune reports…


By Laban66 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The Vladimir Putin-led Russian government recently passed sweeping anti-terror legislation that reduces all citizen’s rights to privacy while potentially infringing on the right of Christians to engage in missions. “It could stop missionary activity to anybody but representatives, registered organizations and groups,” said Joel Griffith of…

Connecting the church in the West to news of what God is doing through nonprofits around the world. Missions Box is a labor of love, using the secular news as a tool to showcase the relevance of Christian nonprofit work and its impact around the world. Christian Nonprofits are Still Relevant Increasingly, the Church in…