Qatari Christians Call for Prayers During World Cup

QATAR — While Christian migrants are able to worship openly, native Qatari Christians are forbidden from having their own church or even entering one. Christians in Qatar are calling for prayers that the media coverage during the World Cup will provide an opportunity to reach more people. Qatar has been one of the countries participating… Continue reading Qatari Christians Call for Prayers During World Cup

Calls for World Cup Host Qatar to Embrace Religious Freedom

QATAR — This year, Qatar will become the first Arab nation to ever host the World Cup. But behind the polished veneers of the sparkling stadiums things in Qatar aren’t as pristine as they seem, according to Christian charity Open Doors. Since winning hosting rights for the World Cup more than a decade ago they… Continue reading Calls for World Cup Host Qatar to Embrace Religious Freedom

Iran Alive Ministries Partners with Channel One to Reach Even More Viewers in Iran

LOS ANGELES, CA — Iran Alive Ministries (IAM) has officially partnered with Channel One (Kanal Yek TV), a Persian TV channel broadcasting from Los Angeles, CA to viewers in Iran, to obtain a primetime slot for IAM’s Gospel-centric programming. “With this partnership, we will gain many new secular-minded audiences who have already rejected Islam, so… Continue reading Iran Alive Ministries Partners with Channel One to Reach Even More Viewers in Iran

Kenya Student Disabled Following Islamist Attack

KENYA — In 2015, Islamist terrorists attacked Garissa University in Kenya, leaving 148 people dead. Many victims were, like Ronald, Christian students who were singled out by the gunmen. Ronald shares some of the difficulties he has encountered since the attack. Ronald Moranga Magembe: “My name is Ronald Moranga Magembe a former Garissa University student,… Continue reading Kenya Student Disabled Following Islamist Attack

Ethiopian Convert Escapes Death

ETHIOPIA — When Ethiopian Daniel*, a staunch follower of Islam, came across a Bible, he decided to read it only so that he could disprove it. But encountering the gospel led him to convert and start following Jesus – and experience persecution from his family. *Name changed for security reasons.   Daniel: “People noticed me… Continue reading Ethiopian Convert Escapes Death

Open Doors Enables Mimi’s Family to Stay in Iraq

IRAQ — Mimi (12) was very young when she fled her home in Bartella with her grandparents after so-called Islamic State invaded the Nineveh Plains. Until recently, Mimi’s parents were considering leaving Iraq – until they received a microloan to set up a farm through Open Doors partners. Mimi: “I love Iraq, because it is… Continue reading Open Doors Enables Mimi’s Family to Stay in Iraq

Open Doors Urges Believers to Pray On ‘International Day of Prayer’ for Persecuted Christians, Nov. 6

SANTA ANA, CA — This Sunday, November 6, Christians will pray for fellow believers around the world who are suffering for their faith during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). According to Open Doors’ World Watch List, more than 360 million Christians – 1 in 7 globally – live in places… Continue reading Open Doors Urges Believers to Pray On ‘International Day of Prayer’ for Persecuted Christians, Nov. 6

Global Prayer for the Persecuted

CANADA — Reverend Gary Stagg, Executive Director of Open Doors Canada, talks about the Global Day of Prayer where Christians around the world will pray for the persecuted church. A global prayer event is coming up November 6th, 5pm mountain time with Christians around the world praying for believers who are being persecuted for their… Continue reading Global Prayer for the Persecuted

What Does Life Look Like for a Christian in Afghanistan?

AFGHANISTAN — Baset, a SAT-7 viewer in Afghanistan sent this profoundly moving message describing both the famine and soaring prices affecting everyone in his country and the dangers for anyone suspected of leaving the country’s major religion. Baset: Our lives have changed in Afghanistan. My name is Baset and I am a teacher. But my… Continue reading What Does Life Look Like for a Christian in Afghanistan?

Celebrating the Life of Open Doors Founder Brother Andrew (1928-2022)

SANTA ANA, CA — Celebrating the life of Brother Andrew, Open Doors founder and God’s Smuggler who passed away aged 94. We honour his life, legacy and love of his Lord. In this video, he shares how he wanted to be remembered. Brother Andrew, the founder of Open Doors, has died aged 94, surrounded by… Continue reading Celebrating the Life of Open Doors Founder Brother Andrew (1928-2022)

Open Doors Founder and Famed Bible Smuggler ‘Brother Andrew’ Dies at Age 94

SANTA ANA, CA — Anne Van der Bijl, the founder of international nonprofit Open Doors, and known around the world as “Brother Andrew,” died at the age of 94 at his home in the Netherlands, according to a family spokesperson. Brother Andrew was the founder of Open Doors, the oldest worldwide ministry to persecuted Christians.… Continue reading Open Doors Founder and Famed Bible Smuggler ‘Brother Andrew’ Dies at Age 94

New Open Doors Prayer App Connects American Believers with Persecuted Christians Around the World

SANTA ANA, CA — A new mobile prayer app developed by Christian persecution watchdog, Open Doors USA, gives users the ability to connect with persecuted Christians suffering for their faith. Available for free in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, the Open Doors Prayer App was created to help strengthen and support Christian… Continue reading New Open Doors Prayer App Connects American Believers with Persecuted Christians Around the World

Alarming Rise in Islamist Violence Against Christians in Nigeria

NIGERIA — A new report highlights the alarming scale of rising violence in Nigeria as terrorists attempt to Islamise the nation — Much of that violence is directed against Christians. Andrew Boyd reports. Release International has warned that Nigeria is fast becoming a persecution hotspot. And Open Doors estimates more Christians are killed there than… Continue reading Alarming Rise in Islamist Violence Against Christians in Nigeria

Gideon’s Imprisonment – Eritrea

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA — In 2019, Abraham* and Joel’s* church was attacked by jihadists in a village in Burkino Faso in West Africa. The two young men survived, but the horror of what happened has traumatized them. Open Doors provides trauma care counseling for many people impacted by attacks like these. Gideon:* “There are… Continue reading Gideon’s Imprisonment – Eritrea

Joel and Abraham Survive Jihadist Attack in Burkino Faso

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA — In 2019, Abraham* and Joel’s* church was attacked by jihadists in a village in Burkino Faso in West Africa. The two young men survived, but the horror of what happened has traumatized them. Open Doors provides trauma care counseling for many people impacted by attacks like these. Abraham*: “That Sunday,… Continue reading Joel and Abraham Survive Jihadist Attack in Burkino Faso

Jumagul’s Story: Overcoming Persecution in Central Asia

CENTRAL ASIA — Jumagul’s* story is one of amazing redemption: after becoming a Christian, she was beaten and abused by her husband. But God heard Jumagul’s prayers and transformed her husband – and her marriage. After her husband’s death, Jumagul continues to follow Jesus – despite persecution from her local community. Jumagul* lives in a… Continue reading Jumagul’s Story: Overcoming Persecution in Central Asia

Religious Freedom Eroding Fast, Warns U.S. Group

SITUATION CRITICAL: RELIGIOUS FREEDOM UNDER SIEGE: Media ministry SAT-7 USA ( warns religious freedom is under increasing attack. Globally, an estimated 80% of people of all faiths face restrictions on freely expressing their religious beliefs, the organization says.

EASTON, MD — A U.S. media ministry warns religious freedom is under increasing pressure — fast reaching a tipping point it describes as “situation critical.” Globally, an estimated 80% of people of all faiths face restrictions on freely expressing their religious beliefs, says SAT-7 USA (, a Christian media broadcaster in the Middle East and… Continue reading Religious Freedom Eroding Fast, Warns U.S. Group

Iraqi Christian Mother Separated from Family

QARAQOSH, IRAQ — When Islamic State captured the Christian-majority city of Qaraqosh, Iraq, Sana and her family were trapped in their home for almost three weeks. When they were discovered, Sana and her daughter were separated from Sana’s husband and two sons. Sana never saw them again. But Sana has not given up on God.… Continue reading Iraqi Christian Mother Separated from Family

Church Planters See Building Destroyed in Mexico

SAN ANDRÉS YAÁ, MEXICO — When Adolfina and her husband Imeldo returned to their hometown of San Andrés Yaá to plant a church, opposition from the community grew. The couple eventually had to leave the town but received support from Open Doors. “The only thing I ask of Open Doors and the brothers all over… Continue reading Church Planters See Building Destroyed in Mexico

Ukrainian Christians Harassed by Russian Separatists

UKRAINE — As the front lines of war in Ukraine keep shifting, Christians from a number of Protestant churches in areas now under Russian separatist control are reporting harassment from soldiers and officials. Some say they have been forced to leave their buildings. Church leaders believe the Russians regard all Protestant churches as planted by… Continue reading Ukrainian Christians Harassed by Russian Separatists

Eritrean Christian Mother is Left Alone While Husband is Imprisoned

ERITREA — Twenty years ago, the Eritrean government brought in restrictions that allowed only Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran churches. When Yael* was 8 months pregnant, her husband was imprisoned for belonging to another Christian denomination. But even during that time of trial, Yael knows that she was sustained by God and by the prayers of… Continue reading Eritrean Christian Mother is Left Alone While Husband is Imprisoned

IRF Summit 2022 Convenes Civil Society Congress to Innovate and Develop Solutions for Religious Freedom

WASHINGTON — In recent years levels of persecution and restriction based on faith or belief have increased around the world. This is despite a growing movement of people who are committed to protecting this fundamental human right. It is time to think big for religious freedom. The International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit 2022 will convene… Continue reading IRF Summit 2022 Convenes Civil Society Congress to Innovate and Develop Solutions for Religious Freedom

Persecuted Religious Groups Speak up for Each Other on Capitol Hill, Urges Congress to Protect Religious Freedom

WASHINGTON — On June 27, one day ahead of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2022, the summit is hosting a Congressional Advocacy Day to encourage convening organizations to present their causes and discuss religious freedom concerns with members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill. The day will kick off with a breakfast meeting… Continue reading Persecuted Religious Groups Speak up for Each Other on Capitol Hill, Urges Congress to Protect Religious Freedom

The Church is Growing Fast in Eritrea Despite Growing Persecution

ERITREA — Last month marked 20 years since the Eritrean government closed all churches that were not Orthodox, Catholic or Lutheran. It’s led to extreme persecution and one of the reasons Eritrea is at number six on the Open Doors World Watch List. In this video, three Eritrean Christians give a short insight into what… Continue reading The Church is Growing Fast in Eritrea Despite Growing Persecution

Helping North African Persecuted Women Stay Strong

NORTH AFRICA — Sarah* in North Africa has twice been thrown out of her home, simply because she loves Jesus. As a woman, she is particularly vulnerable – throwing her out endangered her. Around the world, millions of women from religious minorities face persecution for their faith and their gender. Find out her story and… Continue reading Helping North African Persecuted Women Stay Strong

ChinaAid Releases Report Detailing Persecution and Key Findings for 2021

MIDLAND, TX — ChinaAid released its 2021 Annual Report, detailing persecution and key findings for the year. ChinaAid works closely with sources in China to expose abuses of human rights, religious freedom, and rule of law since 2002. While not an exhaustive list of cases, ChinaAid’s research represents one of the most comprehensive and accurate… Continue reading ChinaAid Releases Report Detailing Persecution and Key Findings for 2021

Nigerian Church Bigger Than Before Despite Extremist Attacks

NIGERIA — When Pastor Andrew’s community in North East Nigeria was attacked by Boko Haram, he courageously chose to stay and rebuild his church. Now, there are more Christians in the community than before. Find out how Open Doors helped Pastor Andrew to impact his village despite the devastation. Pastor Andrew: “I went out and… Continue reading Nigerian Church Bigger Than Before Despite Extremist Attacks

The International Religious Freedom Summit Returns to DC June 28-30

Photo by IRF Summit, Facebook

WASHINGTON — On June 28-30 religious freedom leaders, advocates and activists from around the world, spanning a wide range of faith traditions and political affiliations, will gather in Washington, D.C., for the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit. The Summit will highlight increasing threats to freedom of religion, conscience and belief, and it will once… Continue reading The International Religious Freedom Summit Returns to DC June 28-30

How a Smuggled Bible Changed Dhea’s Life

SOUTHEAST ASIA — Dhea in South East Asia didn’t want the Bible that a missionary gave her. She tried to destroy it. But something stopped her – and when she started reading it, she chose to follow Jesus. As a Christian and as a woman, she has faced extreme persecution – but remains hopeful and… Continue reading How a Smuggled Bible Changed Dhea’s Life

North African Convert Endures Persecution

NORTH AFRICA — Latifa’s* family threw her out of the house and even threatened to kill her after she became a Christian. Thankfully, she married a Christian man and Open Doors partners have found a place for them to live away from the persecution. But Latifa is still suffering from the rejection she experienced. Latifa*… Continue reading North African Convert Endures Persecution

Lorena’s Loss – Mozambique

MOZAMBIQUE — Since 2017, the Islamist insurgency in Mozambique is thought to have claimed at least 2,500 lives. *Lorena’s* husband was one of its many victims; Lorena has also been displaced by the violence. Thanks to help from Christian charity Open Doors, Lorena has received emergency food aid and spiritual support to help her stand… Continue reading Lorena’s Loss – Mozambique

Gulshan: Secret Christian From Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN — It’s now more than six months since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan. While tens of thousands have fled Afghanistan since the Taliban took control of the country in August 2021, those who remain continue to watch, wait and suffer. The United Nations recently released a report which stated that 400 civilians have… Continue reading Gulshan: Secret Christian From Afghanistan

Nigerian Mother Gives Trauma Counseling to Forgive Attackers

GUYAKU, NORTHERN NIGERIA — Support from Christian charity Open Doors is helping believers like Charity from Nigeria. She was able to receive trauma healing after her village, Guyaku in northern Nigeria, was attacked by Islamic militants Boko Haram. And now, she herself is shining a light for others who have suffered trauma by offering them… Continue reading Nigerian Mother Gives Trauma Counseling to Forgive Attackers

Esther’s Pioneering Ministry to Central Asia

CENTRAL ASIA — Esther* was Open Doors’ first team missions leader in Central Asia. She first travelled to Uzbekistan in 1995, after the country regained their independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There she met a lady who helped her to make contact with local believers – and the ministry began…… Continue reading Esther’s Pioneering Ministry to Central Asia

Finding Jesus After Fleeing North Korea

NORTH KOREA — Timothy* grew up as an orphan in North Korea at the time of the 1990s famine. As a teenager, he decided to cross the Tumen River into China in a bid for survival. This is how coming across a safe house, run by Open Doors partners in China, set him on the… Continue reading Finding Jesus After Fleeing North Korea

Elias Chooses to Stay in Palestinian Territories

BEIT SAHUR, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES — Elias lives in the Christian-majority town of Beit Sahur, close to Bethlehem. He shares why, even though the number of Christians in the area is declining, he and his family are determined to stay.

Afghanistan Tops Open Doors 2022 World Watch List

WITNEY, ENGLAND — Afghanistan is now the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian, according to figures released today in the 2022 World Watch List (WWL). Afghanistan replaces North Korea at the top of the list after 20 years – this despite persecution also rising there this year. The WWL, which records… Continue reading Afghanistan Tops Open Doors 2022 World Watch List

Life as a Persecuted Christian in North Korea: Bae’s Story

NORTH KOREA — North Korean Persecuted Christian Bae* was sentenced to a lifetime of backbreaking labour and starvation rations – just for having a Bible. If you were to see Bae* during the day, you’d assume that her work was picking crops. Every morning in the village she’s forced to live in, Bae spends the… Continue reading Life as a Persecuted Christian in North Korea: Bae’s Story

Christian Kids and Youth Cling to ‘Digital Lifeline’ in Afghanistan and Iran

ALONE IN AFGHANISTAN, IRAN, KIDS RISK ALL TO 'MEET JESUS:' One girl in Afghanistan tells media ministry SAT-7 ( she would be "cut to pieces" by the Taliban if discovered watching Christian children's shows broadcast in the local Farsi and Dari languages. Thousands of young children and teens in Afghanistan and Iran – many of them alone and in hiding – are using secure phone apps to watch live Christian shows and connect with other believers.

EASTON, MD — Children as young as 4 are risking their lives in Afghanistan because they want to “meet Jesus” and talk to other Christians, even as they hide from the Taliban. Desperate for hope, thousands of young children and teens – often the only Christians in their families – are turning to a Middle… Continue reading Christian Kids and Youth Cling to ‘Digital Lifeline’ in Afghanistan and Iran

Afghanistan the Most Dangerous Place to be a Christian

WITNEY, ENGLAND —Open Doors has revealed that Afghanistan has replaced North Korea as the most dangerous country to be a Christian in their 2022 World Watch List. Christian men are facing almost certain death if their faith is discovered. Women and girls may escape death but may be married to young Taliban fighters who want… Continue reading Afghanistan the Most Dangerous Place to be a Christian

After U.S. Withdrawal, Afghanistan Becomes No. 1 Most Dangerous Place on Earth to be Christian, According to 2022 World Watch List Ranking by Leading Persecution Watchdog Open Doors

SANTA ANA, CA — For the first time ever, Afghanistan is the most dangerous place on the planet to be a Christian, according to Open Doors’ 2022 World Watch List, which was released today. The World Watch List is a definitive, comprehensive research-based report that ranks the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous… Continue reading After U.S. Withdrawal, Afghanistan Becomes No. 1 Most Dangerous Place on Earth to be Christian, According to 2022 World Watch List Ranking by Leading Persecution Watchdog Open Doors

How Do Children of the Persecuted Church Celebrate Christmas?

SYRIA — How do children of the persecuted church celebrate Christmas? Despite conflict and persecution, children around the world are determined to celebrate Christmas. What are you doing for Christmas this year? It’s a question many of us are asking around the world. For children living in countries where believers are persecuted, it’s a question… Continue reading How Do Children of the Persecuted Church Celebrate Christmas?

Nigerian Boy’s Dream to be a Doctor

PLATEAU STATE, NIGERIA — Sele was very young when his father was murdered for his faith. It was part of a wave of violence in Nigeria’s Plateau State. Now Sele is 13, and has hope for the future to save lives a doctor through schooling paid for by Open Doors partners. For many Christian children… Continue reading Nigerian Boy’s Dream to be a Doctor

Giving Hope this Christmas to Iraqi Girl Who Lost Her Father

IRAQ – This Christmas, there will be an empty chair at the table for Rafif’s family in Iraq. Everything Rafif knows about her dad she has heard from her mum, and other people who knew him. Because when Raddif ran towards that bus filled with Christian students, warning them of the planned bombing, he saved… Continue reading Giving Hope this Christmas to Iraqi Girl Who Lost Her Father

Sabina Movie Set to Inspire the Power of Forgiveness

ROMANIA — Great character is sometimes forged amid great turmoil. Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years is the story of how God’s love transformed an ambitious, atheistic hedonist into one of the greatest Christian women of the 20th century. GNA reporter Peter Wooding spoke to Voice of the Martyr’s Todd Nettleton to find out… Continue reading Sabina Movie Set to Inspire the Power of Forgiveness

Open Doors Helps Fadi who fled Boko Haram in Cameroon Several Times

CAMEROON — Fadi is a Christian from Cameroon who has been repeatedly displaced from her home by Boko Haram violence – but has now received much-needed emergency aid from Open Doors partners. Fadi – Cameroon Christian: “When I was in my village Barawa in 2013 Boko Haram came to attack our village. They came by… Continue reading Open Doors Helps Fadi who fled Boko Haram in Cameroon Several Times

Afghan Girls ‘In Terror’ of Becoming Taliban Brides

AFGHAN CHRISTIAN GIRLS 'TERRIFIED' OF BECOMING TALIBAN BRIDES: Young Christian women and girls in Afghanistan are living in terror of being abducted as child brides for Taliban fighters -- and they're turning to a unique ministry for help. "(We) are terrified," 16-year-old Nisha told satellite and online Christian broadcaster SAT-7 (

EASTON, MD — Young Christian women and girls in Afghanistan are living in terror of being abducted as child brides for Taliban fighters — and they’re turning to a unique ministry for help. “(We) are terrified,” 16-year-old Nisha told satellite and online Christian broadcaster SAT-7 ( “Everyone is afraid and scared of the Taliban. I… Continue reading Afghan Girls ‘In Terror’ of Becoming Taliban Brides

Open Doors USA Reacts to Missionary Kidnappings in Haiti

SANTA ANA, CA — Christian persecution watchdog, Open Doors USA released a statement today regarding the news of 17 American missionaries who were abducted in Haiti this weekend. According to several sources, the abductors are also responsible for the kidnappings of five priests and two nuns earlier this year. “We are deeply concerned for the… Continue reading Open Doors USA Reacts to Missionary Kidnappings in Haiti

Is Your Church Ready for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church?

FALLS CHURCH, VA — Christian Freedom International (CFI) has designed a free church Prayer Kit to equip churches for the “International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.” This annual event — held on the first Sunday in November — unites churches to pray for Christians worldwide who face persecution. “The catastrophe in Afghanistan — with Christians… Continue reading Is Your Church Ready for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church?

Coptic Solidarity Commemorates the Deaths of 27 Copts at the 10th Anniversary of the Maspero Massacre

WASHINGTON — Ten years ago, on October 9, 2011, the Egyptian Army murdered 27 Copts and injured 327 others for peacefully protesting the destruction of a church, in what became known as the Maspero Massacre. Coptic Solidarity’s virtual Zoom program will honor the rally participants, heroes, and martyrs from that day. Register today to join… Continue reading Coptic Solidarity Commemorates the Deaths of 27 Copts at the 10th Anniversary of the Maspero Massacre

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