Native American Tribes Experience Revival

USA —Sanities on social networks, liberation from addictions, and conversion to Jesus Christ. The revival is spreading in some Native American territories.

In some aspects, the situation of Native Americans has not changed. They face problematic circumstances ranging from substance abuse to a massive impact of COVID and an alarming number of missing and murdered women.

DonnaArrow Creek International Ministries:

“There are many broken areas, destroyed communities, and our communities are filled with drugs.”

However, amidst the suffering, members of the Crow tribe, Donna and her husband Russell, say that God is moving.


“We can feel and perceive the rumblings of revival, and when I say revival, I mean people’s hearts turning back to God.”

RussellArrow Creek International Ministries:

“We have had healing revivals through online church. God has healed people through social media. People are surrendering their hearts to the Lord.”

The pastors of Arrow Creek Church on TV say that God called them to open the online community in 2018.


“We couldn’t even comprehend how that would be, but God put it in our hearts, and we started Arrow Creek TV. Millennials started coming to church, and I am very proud of my congregation; we have the best, we have five continents represented. We probably represent the largest church in the indigenous community in the United States.”

Russell says that the Pentecostal roots of revival run deep in his family and the Crow tribe.

His mother, Sharon, is also a pastor and elder in the community. She recalls how in 1906, her grandmother attended the Azusa Street Revival in California.

SharonArrow Creek Christian Center Pastor:

“While they were there, they had the privilege of receiving the Holy Spirit and returned to the Crow Reservation, proclaiming that God is Lord over the Crow Reservation.”


Entire communities were touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the Crow were eventually known in the indigenous territory as the center of Pentecost. This was the Pentecostal capital and is still considered as such by many neighboring tribes.

Mark MartinCrow Reservation, Montana:

The leaders of the Crow tribe have even put up a sign proclaiming that “Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Crow Nation.” They also have a scripture that says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom He has chosen as His inheritance.”

Additionally, the tribe located in southeastern Montana passed a legislative resolution “to honor God for His great blessings upon the Crow Tribe and to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord of the Crow Indian Reservation.”

They also fly the flag of Israel alongside the sign.

On the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, Windy shares how God delivered her from addiction.

WindyMember of the Blackfeet Nation:

“I had a young granddaughter. One day, my house was raided. I was surrounded by police. I stood aside and watched. I didn’t care about anything, just the drugs in my hands. At that moment, I turned around and remembered the little baby was there, and I started thinking about my future, my family, my community, and what I wanted to do. I just looked up to the sky and asked God to help me. If you are real, please save me.”

Windy says that she and her family also experience a revival.


“My friends and other addicts in the community have seen my recovery and believe in what I now believe. My whole family converted; they are now Christians too.”

Patrick is a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes on the Flathead Reservation in western Montana. Being the son of a preacher, he calls himself a product of a 20th-century Pentecostal Christian movement.

PatrickMember of Indigenous Communities:

“I can shine as a light for my people and say that God is doing something with me. God is changing me, doing powerful things in my life, and in my family’s life. He can do it for you too! Amen! Amen and amen.”

Pastor Russell says that the goal now is to teach his church to “maintain the revival” through fasting and prayer.


“When we welcome God’s presence, heaven comes down. There is no sickness in heaven, no poverty in heaven, no lack in heaven. When we invite the kingdom of God, that’s how we maintain revival. And that is our pursuit, to keep this revival fire burning.”

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Source: Global News Alliance, Native American Tribes Experience Revival

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